Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

WEDNESDAY FLOOR TALKS .Total attendance at Wednesday floortalks: 1 22 1 5 September Suhanya Raffel , Assistant Curator (Contemporary Asian Art) Art from Asia i ncluded in the Third Asia�Pacific Trienn ial of Contemporary Art Attendance: 80 20 October Dionissia G iakoumi, Assistant Curator ( International Art) Art from the Pacific included in the Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art Attendance: 5 1 7 November Tim Morrell , Curator (Austral ian Contemporary Art) Art from Australia included in the Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art Attendance: 25 1 5 December Matthew Kassay, Project Officer (Web & Mu ltimedia Services) The Virtual Asia-Pacific Trienn ial of Contemporary Art Attendance: 1 2 SUNDAY AT THE GALLERY PROGRAM Total attendance at Sunday Program activities: 1 ,481 - 1 ,726 Sun 1 9 September A musical/dance performance combining Flamenco and Philippino infl uences Attendance: 1 20 -1 50 Sun 1 0 October Queensland Music Teachers Association Recitals Attendance: Sun 1 7 October Lecture: Susie Hansen - Ceramics Attendance: Sun 24 October Performance by Talofa Samoa Dance group Attendance: Sun 1 4 November Performance by Moto N iwa Attendance: Sun 21 November Performance: Tattoo - Qu irk puppet Theatre Attendance: Sun 1 2 December Storytelling with Maureen Watson Attendance: Sun 1 9 December Performance by Tongan Community Choir Attendance: Sun 1 9 December Kamal Krishna, The Swinging Moods of Pavement Narcissus Attendance: 70 - 80 25 -30 90 - 1 20 80 - 1 00 1 02 1 4 60 - 80 40 - 50 1 36