Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

AUDI ENCE SURVEY + ANALYSIS APT3 VISITOR RESEARCH SURVEY: SUMMARY ANALYSIS • A visitor survey was conducted throughout the Trienn ial to determine visitor perceptions and responses . The results of the survey are attached and major findings are outl ined below: • Over one quarter of respondents were visiting the Gallery for the first time (26.3%). • Almost 60% came to the Gallery specifically to see APT3 . A further 5% came for the Kids APT. The remainder were on. a general Gallery visit. • . 57% came from Brisbane. 1 2% from regional Queensland . 1 5% from interstate and 1 6% from overseas . • 1 1 % of surveyed visitors came to Brisbane specifically to see the APT. • Word of mouth was the largest source of information on APT3 (29 .5%). Newspaper advertisements (9.05%), posters (8 .7%) and television (6 .5%) were the other main sources of information . Despite the large number of h its ( 1 .3 million), the internet was not quoted as a major source of information (0 .4%). • Multiple visits were common with almost 30% of visitors attending more than twice. • Over 97% of respondents enjoyed the exhibition . • Respondents particularly liked the d iversity, variety and interactivity of APT3 . • 98.5% of respondents believed it important for the Gallery to display the contemporary art of the Asia-Pacific. • 75% of respondents were satisfied with the information provided , although further information was requested about the works and the artists' intentions . • Only 6.3% of respondents had seen the screen culture component. • 68% of respondents did not use the APT Lounge. 54% d id not see it and 82.7% were not aware that they could view artists' tal ks in the Lounge. • Of those who did use the lounge, 74% enjoyed the experience . • Over 76% of respondents thought the new technology aspects of the Trienn ial were important. • 36% of respondents participated in the Kids APT. 66% were aware of the Kids APT and almost 99% thought it was a good idea. • Over 77% of respondents were very likely or extremely l i kely to recommend the APT to others . • Females comprised 59% of respondents, Males 4 1 %. • Almost 36% were aged between 1 9 and 35, with a further 38% between 36 and 55. • Students (2 1 .9%) and Professionals ( 1 0.8%) were the most represented occupational categories . 1 42