Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

APT3 : VISITOR RESEARCH SURVEY: FULL RESULTS - Survey Sample: 4 1 2 Q.1 How often do you visit the Queensland Art Gallery? First visit 26.34% Occasional ly ( 1 -3 times p . a . ) 47 .07% Frequently (4 times + p . a . ) 24 . 1 4% Other 2 .43% Q.2 Was the purpose of you visit to the Gallery today Q.3 to see the Asia-Pacific Trienn ial? 59 .36% for activities associated with KIDS' APT? 4 .26% a general Gallery visit? 35.03% other? 0.97% (Concert nearby; Writers' Festival; Aircond ition ing) Are you visiting the Gallery on your own? with you r partner/friend/friends? as a family group? as a member of an organ ised group? 27.9 1 % 4 1 % 25.97% 4 .6 1 % Q.4 What i nformation prompted you to visit the Asia-Pacific Triennial today? Newspaper advertisement 9 . 05% ( The Courier-Mail 73 . 9 1 %; Weekend Australian, Australian, Brisbane News, Local) Newspaper article 3 . 74% ( The Courier-Mail 63 . 1 5%; Sunday Mail; Australian; Brisbane News, New York Times ) Television 6 .49% (Channel 2 /ABC 24 .24%; Channel 1 0 6%; probably 1 0; 9 or 1 0; 7 or 9) Rad io 0 . 39% (Only station nominated ZZZ) Word of mouth 29.52% PreVIEW 4 . 1 3% (From Gallery; Gallery Society; Maroochydore; ABC Shop; coffee shop) Exhibition brochure 5 . 3 1 % (Qld Art Gallery; city; Rydges Hotel ; Hotel; Library; Coffee Club; Fish and chips shop Brisbane; Lismore; New Zealand) APT3 poster (including KIDS' APT Poster 0 . 39%) 8 .66% (City; Outside Gallery; Widespread ; Kelvin Grove bus stop; Bus shelter; Train; Cafe; South Bank) Magazine advertisement/article 2 . 75% (Art Asia-Pacific; Brisbane Tou rism type; Local publ ication ; Rough Guide ) I nternet I Web 0 .39% Other 29.33% (In Gallery on general visit 1 2 .79%; Previous visit APT3 4.92%; Banners; Model , Gallery preparation ; Qantas in-flight magazine; Lonely Planet Guide) Q.5 Did you plan you r visit to Queensland I Brisbane to attend the Asia-Pacific Triennial? Yes 1 0 .75% No 30.07% Already i n Brisbane 59 . 1 6% 1 43