Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

Q.Sa How many days do you plan to stay in Brisbane? 1 day 2 1 .74% 2 days 1 4.49% 3 days 9 .42% More than 3 days 39.85% How many days do you plan to stay i n Queensland? Responses varied from 4 days to 6 weeks. Q.6 Is this you r first visit to this Asia-Pacific Triennial? Q.7 Yes 74 .69% Wi ll you visit this exh ibition again? Yes 50.82% No 49 . 1 8% No 25.3% How many times have you visited previously? Once 70.79% Twice 1 9. 1 % Three times 6.74% More than 3 times 3 . 37% ( The greatest frequency recorded was 5 previous visits ) Wil l you visit again? Yes No 64 .7% 35.29% Did you enjoy the exhibition? Very much 57.3 1 % 39 .75% 2 . 1 9% 0 .73% Yes Not much No Q.7a What elements of the exhibition d id you find most appea l i ng? The greatest response was t o t he notion of variety and d iversity, closely fol lowed by the interactive nature of the exh ibition . High importance was attached to the original ity or d ifference of exh ibited works . Visitors were also moved to comment favourably on the exh ibition layout and the Kids' APT. Of individual works singled out for mention, CAI Guo Qiang's Bridge crossing rated most h ighly. Responses to individual works varied widely, but the highest preferences were for Karen CASEY's Dreaming chamber, Bulls by Michel TUFFERY and Patrice KAI KILEKOFE; LEE M ingwei's Writing the unspoken; Mella JAARSMA's Hi inlander ( Hello natrve ) ; K I M Soo-Ja's A laundry woman; Katsushige NAKAHASH l 's Zero; HAN Myung Ok's La chapelle and Bund ith PHUNSOMBATLERT'S Ready made human product. Other features that attracted attention incl uded mention of colour. Q.7b What aspects of the exh ibition did you not enjoy? This question evoked only l imited response. It would appear that the negatives were expressed by visitors who came to the Gallery for a general visit, encountered the APT3 exhibition, and were d isappointed at the limited amount of traditional art displayed . Least preferred was Asian art, and the limited amount of traditional art accessible prompted comment. Other comments included 'Ugly and dark'; 'An insult to people's intelligence'; and an expression of sensing techn ical ability rather than artistic beauty. 1 44