Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

Q.8 What cou l d be done to i ncrease your enjoyment of the exhibition? Visitors clearly want more information . By far the g reatest demand was for increased explanation of works and artists' intentions. Preferred form for delivery of th is information was an ind ividual booklet, accompan ied by a 'user-friendly' map. Signage needs improvement, as does the designation of galleries . Other suggestions registered in volume included gu ided tours, audio gu ides and a big information board in each d isplay area. Requests were registered for labels in other languages, the services of an interpreter, or a 'room attendant'. Visitors felt it was necessary to indicate what could be touched and what coul d not. There was considerable demand for increased seating in the gallery, with a significant ind ication of the desirabil ity of backs on seating. It was felt that ambient music or aural complement would have enhanced the exhibition . Several requests for the provision of a drinking fountain were registered , as was provision of a 'family' oriented eating kiosk outside. D isappointment at less-than-satisfactory computer operation was registered by several. Other requests for improvements included ch ild m inding, school-free days , more light or improved lighting improved access for push chairs , a useable d isabled toilet, and a writing desk for use with the Kids' APT booklets . Some visitors apparently d id not enjoy getting wet on the bridge. There were requests for the rain shower to be warmer or for the provision of umbrellas. Further requests for more paintings, more traditional art, a better balance between installation and other art forms, and greater selectivity - include only 'skill ed ' art, and omit instal lations that were merely collections of obj ects - were reg istered . Q.9 Were you satisfied with the i nformation provided? Yes 74 .69% Q.9a Which format was most usefu l? The most used format of information access was from labels. This was closely followed by the laminated room brochures. Strong support was expressed for videos and guides. Others mentioned included computers, Kids' booklets, access to the catalogue in the APT Lounge, Artists statements, kids' labels, the web site, and support from the information desk. Some reference was made to staff support. No 1 9.25% Q.9b What additional i nformation would you have found useful ? Overwhelm ingly, visitors ind icated they required more information . Most indicated they wanted more information about the artist and h is/her intentions. More in-depth information was considered desirable. Many considered it desirable to have an explanation of each work. It was noted that some exhibits had no information support. It was considered essential to have support notes with any developed floor plan . Other comments included a request for more cultural context info rmation, requests for audio tours, and a preference fo r booklets as labels were found to be d istracting. Better instructions for computer use would have been appreciated . Q.1 0 Have you visited previous Asia-Pacific Triennial exhibitions? Yes 29 . 1 9% Which? Of those who responded , 29% had visited both previous exhibitions; 1 5 % had visited the First Asia-Pacific Triennial only; and 56% had visited the Second Asia-Pacific Triennial only. No 70.8% 1 45