Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

Q.1 0a Have you seen other exh ibitions wh ich compare with this Asia-Pacific Triennial? No 80.27% Yes 1 6 .72% What and where? Most frequently reg istered response was for the Sydney Biennale, closely followed by its Melbourne and Adelaide equ ivalents , and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney. An exh ibition of contemporary S . E . Asian artists in Singapore drew mu ltiple responses . Institutions nom inated incl uded Kolonialwaren Museum, Bremen , Germany; Graningen Museum , Holland ; Taipei Art Museum; Louvre, Paris; Van Gogh Museum; Museum of New Zealand; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Museum of Modern Art, New York; Austral ian National Gallery Canberra, and the Tate Gal lery, London and the contemporary galleries in Fortitude Valley. Specific exhibitions mentioned incl uded Ven ice Bienn ial ; Egyptian exh ibition, Cincinatti ; Wearable Art, Dunedin 1 999; N . E. Asian exh ibition , Sydney; Chinese painting, Sydney; Pop Art, Queensland Art Gallery; Annual exh ibitions at San Francisco, Seattle; Locations mentioned included : Christchurch New Zealand ; Puerto Rico; Denmark; Washington DC; Japan , China, and London . Q.1 1 Do you thi nk it is important for the Queensland Art Gal lery to display the contemporary art of the Asia-Pacific reg ion? Yes 98.5% No 1 .49% Why? The most important reason for displaying the contemporary art from the Asia-Pacific region cited was Australia's place in the region . Other sign ificant reasons mentioned included the desirabil ity of having other cultures represented ; the importance of seeing what is happen ing in the reg ion; The welcoming of 'difference'; the fostering of good relations; and the unique position ing of the Queensland Art Gallery in the presentation of th is art work. The educational role of the exh ibition was supported . It was acknowledged that Australia is a multicultural society. Of importance was the challenging of the traditional and the opportun ity for people unable to travel to see the art from the region . The few negative responses suggested that we should have representation from all countries and that we should show historical rather than contemporary art because h istory teaches more about the area. One visitor saw no relevance to us i n th is work. Q.1 2 Have you visited countries i n the Asia-Pacific reg ion? No 43.75% Yes 58.75% Where? Countries in descending order of popularity were: Thailand ; Singapore; Hong Kong; Japan; Malaysia; I ndonesia ( including Bali ) ; China; I ndia; New Zealand ; Fij i ; Papua New Gu inea; Vietnam ; Sri Lanka; Ph i l ippines; Korea; Taiwan; Vanuatu ; New Caledonia; Nepal; Burma; Cambodia; Laos; Brunei; Solomon Islands; Pakistan; Cook Islands; Wesern Samoa; Macau ; Guam . Q.1 3 Did you attend any sessions of the Conference associated with the Asia-Pacific Triennial exhibition? No 98.5% Yes 1 .48% What were you r reactions to the Conference? D isappointed i n some of the speakers; Only attended one session - a bit 'ord i nary' . 1 46