Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

Q.1 4 Did you see any of the 'screen culture' elements of films, video and animation associated with the Asia-Pacific Triennial i n the Lecture Theatre? No 93.67% Yes 6 .32% What did you think about those you saw? POS ITIVE : OK; Good (x2); Really good ; Very good (x2); I nformative; I nteresting (x2); Riveting. Left me feeling I had gained someth ing; I nteractivity helps to release a new vision ; Terrific. Puts into world context; NEGATIVE: D idn 't l i ke Ind ian one - slow; Lecture Theatre cold ; Very d isconnected; Difficult to understand (x2). Q.1 5 D o you think the 'screen culture' elements of the Asia-Pacific Triennial can be considered as works of art? Yes 70.55% No 29 .45% Why? By far the most frequent positive response was that art should not be lim ited by medium . Other frequent responses included reference to fil m being another form of expression ; it was good to see technology used and the perceived place of film/'screen culture' being so much a part of our society or a product of our time. It was suggested that new technology should be used to create new art forms . Negative responses mourned the 'transient' nature of the form a n d several respondents ind icated their preference for 'objects' or more trad itional forms . One visitor considered technology compromised ind ividuality. Another could see l ittle evidence of skill in the product. Q. 1 6 Did you make use of the APT Lounge? No 68 . 1 2% Did you see the APT Lounge? Yes 45.95% No 54% What wou l d have encouraged you to participate? Most respondents cited l ack of time as a reason for not participating . Those encumbered with young children felt they could not make use of the space. Many ind icated clearer signage and an ind ication that it was for participation may have enticed them to become involved . Some felt the space looked sparse, uncomfortable and uninviting. Others l i kened it to a classroom . Some others noted that computers were not working when they chose to make use of the space. Yes No Did you enjoy the experience? Yes Which aspects did you use? Computers Videos Books, magazines, papers 3 1 .87% 74 .4 1 % 44 .7% 1 8 .82% 36.47% 25.58% 1 47