Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

Q. 1 7 How important d o you consider the 'new technology' (the computers, web site, 'virtual triennial', video) components of the Asia-Pacific Triennial are? Very important 32.08% Important 43.85% Not very important 24 .06% Why? Positive responses included the desirability of providing extensive information to support such a large and diverse exhibition . It was acknowledged that we exist in a techn ically d ifferent society. Some saw the advantage of being able to access content of the exh ibition from outside the Gallery. One visitor saw this as negative - feeling that the Gallery was for the unique. Many noted the Gallery was a release from work pressures and saw too close a connection to work in the computers . Negative responses included a feeling that such provision lost con nection to the individual cultures represented ; and many preferred simply to engage with the artworks . Q. 1 8 Which of the elements did you have contact with? Computers 28.76% Web Site 1 1 .9% 'Virtual Triennial' 2 .8% Video 4 1 % None 1 5. 53% What might have encouraged you to be i nvolved with the technology? Most responses indicated that increased time available may have resulted i n participation . Some suggested that all systems were in use a t t he t ime of visiting, suggesting considerable popularity of the facil ity. Clearer signage and obvious 'people support' were other factors which may have persuaded respondents to be i nvolved. Q.1 9 Did you (or someone accompanying you ) participate i n the activities especially designed for children in the KIDS' APT? Yes 35.58% Did you (or the accompanyi ng person) enjoy the activity? Yes 9 1 .27% No 8.27% Why not? Responses seemed to be of l ittle import. Trivialities such as 'too simple'; 'calligraphy brush broken'; 'too many kids there'; and 'needed gu idance' were the only responses recorded . No 64 .4 1 % Were you aware that such a special faci l ity was provided? Yes 66.53% No 33.46% Do you thi nk provision of such a facility is a good idea? Yes 98.79% No 1 .2% Why not? Only one respondent ventured an opinion as to why and suggested that a personal approach was better. Q.20 Have you participated in any previous activities for children provided by the Queensland Art Gallery? No 87.68% Yes 1 2 . 3 1 % Which? scary monsters exhibition (x8); portraits are people pic tu res exh ibition (x7); School tours (x4); holiday activities (x3); calligraphy (x2); Out of the box (x2); Masks, Easter hunt; B ig j igsaws; Fairies; Pre school visits; Aborig inal story tel ling; Screen printing; Indonesian Gold. 1 48