Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

APT3 VISITOR RESEARCH SURVEY: DEMOGRAPH IC PROFILE Visitor gender Female Male Visitor age g roup Under 9 years - no survey participants 9-1 1 years 1 2-1 5 years 1 6- 1 8 years 1 9-25 years 26-35 years 36-45 years 46-55 years 56-65 years 66-75 years Over 75 years 58.73% 4 1 .26% 0 .49% 2 . 7% 7 .86% 1 9. 1 6% 1 6 .7% 1 9 .4 1 % 1 8 . 1 8% 9.09% 4 .66% 1 . 7 1 % NOTE : Surveys were administered to very few visitors under 1 6 years of age . Evidence suggests that the majority of visitors to this exh ibition were under 35 years of age. Visitor occupation Art student Student (other) Home duties Manager Self employed Clerical worker Supervisor Artist Professional Sports professional Salesperson School Teacher Tradesperson Unemployed Academic/Researcher Tourism/Hospital ity Computer operator Primary producer Writer (general) Retired Other Visitor residence: Metropol itan Regional Queensland I nterstate Overseas Visitors from the fol lowing countries were interviewed : 5.52% 1 6 .34% 4 .6% 4 .32% 4 .8% 3 .36% 0 .48% 8 .4 1 % 1 0. 8 1 % 0 .48% 2 .88% 4 .8% 0 . 96% 0 . 96% 5 . 52% 2.4% 1 .68% 0 .48% 0 . 96% 8.89% 9 .6 1 % 57.33% 1 1 .68% 1 4 .94% 1 6.03% Un ited Kingdom (x7); England (x5); Wales; Europe; Germany (x3); Netherlands (x2); Norway (x2); Denmark (x2); France; Italy; Switzerland; New Zealand (x5); United States of America (x 6);Canada (x2); Hawaii; South Africa; Tahiti; Mexico; Colombia; Puerto Rico; Japan (x4); Taiwan . 1 51