Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

Visitor use of leisure time NO FREQUENTLY OCCAS IONALLY Social ise at a pub, club 34 .95% 24.39% 42 . 54% Go to the movies 7. 1 8% 39.36% 53 .54% Visit parks/nature reserves 5.57% 5.88% 48.54% Watch TV 8 .26% 55.64% 36.08% Play sports , exercise, go gym 1 9.94% 46. 54% 33.5 1 % Visit the library 1 5 . 1 5% 43.88% 40.95% Go to the beach 1 4 .43% 25.98% 59.58% Visit a museum, gallery 2 .68% 34 .85% 62.46% Have a night at home, friends 4% 54. 1 3% 4 1 .86% Go to opera, concert, theatre 25.39% 1 7.46% 57. 1 4% Visit a theme park 67.82% 1 .07% 3 1 .09% Read 2 .38% 80.63% 1 6 .97% Watch sporting events 46.93% 22. 1 3% 30.93% Go shopping (not essentials} 1 0 . 1 % 39.89% 50% Spend time with family 7 .64% 69.6% 22.93% Attend place of worship 59.52% 1 7 .98% 22.48% Participate i n arts, crafts 29 .06% 42 . 1 3% 28.8% Attend classes, lectures 33.33% 37.56% 29. 1 % Go to a cafe, restaurant 3 .96% 57 .93% 38.09% 1 52