Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

With its daring m ixture of Asian and pacific art trad itions and a sophisticated co-curating style which sees Asian and pacific curators taking their place alongside ours, even in selecting Australian works, it is one of the more fascinating large-scale visual art events in the country, and one that has put Queensland on the map in the art sphere. Helen Musa, Daring Brisbane Triennial, The Canberra Times, December 24, 1 999, p. 1 0. Six years ago the Queensland Art Gallery came up with a concept wh ich was to materialise into the most important artistic even in this part of the world . It was called the Asia pacific Trienn ial of Contemporary Art and it became the u ltimate showcase for artists in the region to get together every three years and display their work and share cu ltural experiences . The Virtual Trienn ial not only expands the scope for the exh ibition , but allows immed iate online participation by audiences around the world . This makes the Asia pacific Trienn ial a truly g lobal event. Chotimont Yonrum, Thai Art on Display to the world, Bankok Post, January 6, 2000, p.3. 1 57