Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS " LETTERS OF APPRECIATION : SELECTED COMMENTS The Asia-Pacific Exhibition is a wonder. In fact the whole experience of the visit on these occasions to the gallery was joyous and nourishing to the spirit, ravish ing to the senses and the intellect. I have taken guests from here and abroad , aged from 1 8 to 80 and each has relished the works . QAG is a great source of pride and a wonder-filled Sunday i n Brisbane. Keep building such bridges and we will cross them . Bille Brown What a triumph! The APT conference and exh ibition are a great cred it to the APT team . I want you to know how very impressive was the organ isation and execution of such an ambitious project. Suzanne Davies, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Congratulations on the best APT yet. Just when you thought it couldn't get better! I thought the show was great, and there was such a great buzz in the air. Clare Williamson, Curator of Special Exh ibitions, State Library of Victoria J ust a short note to congratu late you and the APT team on the g reat success of the Asia­ Pacific Triennial. The exhibition looks great in the gallery spaces and people seem to be enjoying the show immensely. I particularly enjoyed the kids APT, wh ich is a pioneering effort for an art gallery in this country. It was impressive to see such a large number of your staff and volunteers mobilised to bring such a project to fruition. Claire Roberts, Curator, Asian Decorative Arts and Design , Powerhouse Museum Congratulations on t he great success of the Thi rd Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art. I though the Queensland Art gallery looked splendid with such a stunn ing variety of h igh qual ity work wel l d isplayed and read ily accessible to the many viewers . I have been very pleased to be associated with the project since the early days and feel gratified APT is such a success and that it has made a significant contribution to Australian contemporary Art in general . My compliments to all the team at QAG who have successfully completed the project. All the praise is well deserved . D.W. Williams, D irector, The Australian National Un iversity Many, many thanks for a wonderful APT3. The exh ibition was ful l of a great range of work and objects to look at, puzzle over and deliberate on . The variety and complexity of ideas and media was substantial , and seemed greater than previous years . Ian Were, Editor, Object Magazine Congratulations on a fabu lously successful APT - the installations, the artists' talks program, t he catalogue, t he Virtual Trienn ial, t he conference, t he hospital ity - it was all absolutely professional and a great credit to the QAG . Karilyn Brown, Program Manager, Olympic Arts Festivals I am writing regard ing the Asia-Pacific Trienn ial of Contemporary Art to congratulate the APT team on a decade of consistently high quality, critically and culturally stimulating events . Anna Waldmann, Manager, Visual Arts/Craft, Austra l ia Council for the Arts I was very impressed with the high cal ibre of local and international artists whose works were d isplayed at the exh ibition . Please accept my congratulations on staging such a successful cultural event. Hon Merri Rose MLA, M i nister for Emergency Services APT3 is a very successful exh ibition , which shows that the Asia-Pacific has the ability to host any international exh ibitions. Of course all of the success is due to you r excellent work. Huang Zhuan 1 58