Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

I thought it was a grand event, tightly organ ised by a group of very devoted people under an equally competant leadership. Dr Yao Souchou, Department of Anthropology, The Un iversity of Sydney I enjoyed very much APT3 and conference and I imagine the hard efforts of all of you to accomplish such a wel l organised event. I congratulate you the successful open ing APT3 . Soyeon Ahn This was the first APT I 've seen I regret to say, and it was very impressive - fantastic to see such a d iversity of contemporary expression . Jennifer Sanders, Associate Director, Museum and Collection Services, Powerhouse Museum I 've been meaning to offer my congratulations o n the marvellous APT exhibition . Going down the . escalators I was captured from the very beginning. The bridge enticed me over and I found myself absorbed for there next few hours . I brought back many people to enjoy and to participate. The ch ildren loved taking part in the many activities. It was the BEST exhibition I 've been to. Teresa The APT was an extraord inary undertaking and great credit to you and others for making it all happen. I know what these th ings are l i ke and with a massive conference too. From my point of view it was very reward ing to participate and l isten to some many speakers on many relevant issues . The catalogue is also a great reference. Pamela From all of us at Olympic Arts Festivals we would l i ke to extend to you our best wishes and warmest congratulations on the forthcoming open ing of the Asia-Pacific Trienn ial of Contemporary Art. From the in itial stages of planning to now, the hard work put into this exhibition will surely be rewarded for a unique and memorable time for all involved . Craig Hassall , General Manager, Image, Special Events & Olympic Arts Festivals Once again , congratulations on a spectacular project all round ! It is a stunn ingly impressive event, and the coordination was a mammoth task. Dana Fri is-Hansen High standard of contemporary art. It was versatile, fun , thoughtfu l , and d ifferent. Corinne Colbert To be involved in the conferences as wel l as the show has been amazing. Lisa Cooper Thank-you for letting me and 4/5H go to see all of your great and magnificent works of art. We all l iked the bridge but I l i ked the helicopter. It was the best. I will be coming back in the hol idays . I l i ked the plane made out of 1 0 OOO photos . That zero is real l y big. The McDonalds room is really good . Your museum is weird and wonderfu l . Sean Kerns, Cannon H i l l State School 1 59