Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

APT3 CONFERENCE: 'BEYOND THE FUTURE' : FULL PROGRAM DAY 1 : FRIDAY 1 0 SEPTEMBER 1 999 'BEYOND THE FUTURE: LOCAL AND REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES' 9.30- 1 0 .30am Session 1 - Room P6 - Local Welcome Ind igenous Welcome: D idjeridu player Adrian McAvoy Lilla Watson , Local Aboriginal Commun ity member, Trustee, Queensland Art Gallery and Chair of the Reconciliation and Cultural Development Advisory Committee Gallery Welcome: Doug Hall and Dr Caroline Turner Keynote Address: Wayne Goss , Former Premier of Queensland and Mi n ister for the Arts and currently Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Queensland Art Gallery 1 0 .30- 1 1 . 00am Morning Tea - PJaza Level Foyer 1 1 .00- 1 2 .30pm Session 2 - Room P6 - Beyond the Future Chair: Dr Russell Trood (Australia) Speakers: Dr Geremie Barme (Australia) Sang Ye (China/Australia) Marian Pastor Roces (The Philippines) 1 2 . 30-2 .00pm General Delegates Lunch - Plaza Level Foyer 1 2 .40-1 .50pm Special Interest Group Lunch : Women Artists and Curators - Room P1 Chair: Anne Kirker (Austral ia) Speakers: Soyeon Ahn (South Korea) Somporn Rodboon (Thailand) Eriko Osaka (Japan) Professor Sal ima Hashmi (Pakistan) Amanda Heng (Singapore) Mal i Wu (Taiwan) 2 . 00-3 . 30pm Session 3 - Room P6 - Reg ional Perspectives I Chair: Dr M ichael Brand (Austral ia) Speakers: Xu Bing (China/USA) Professor Gulammohammed Sheikh ( I nd ia) Dr Susan Cochrane (Austral ia) Lee Weng Choy (Singapore) 3 . 30-4 . 00pm Afternoon Tea - Plaza Level Foyer 4.00-5.30pm Session 4 - Room P6 - Reg ional Perspectives II Chair: J im Supangkat (Indonesia) Speakers: Huang Zhuan (Ch ina) Dr M . Dwi Marianto ( I ndonesia) Patrick D. Flores (The Philippines) Timothy Morrell (Australia) 17