Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

KI DS' APT: ARTWORKS + WORKSHOPS . KIDS' APT ARTWORKS FOR CH I LDREN : CAI Guo Qiang Bridges of the World Children could create their own bridge u sing cut dowel and masking tape. Drawings on p lastic by the artist of bridges around the world were adhered to the glass wall for inspiration , along with the actual bamboo bridge over the Gallery's Watermal l . N .S. HARSHA Footprints of time Through a series of workshops, ch ildren left their own decorated footprint image onto cardboard which was then adhered to a set of gigantic footprints painted by the artist onto the Gallery wall . XU Bing New English Calligraphy Classroom Project Children could learn the artist's own version of 'New English Calligraphy' in a fun way using sample books , video instruction, blackboard instruction and experimentation in brush and ink onto specially prepared books . Surasi KUSOLWONG During the moments of the day - Have a nice day Brisbane Children could make large drawings of exotic fish wh ile relaxing in a 'floating' timber house. The drawings could be taken away by the ch ildren, or pinned onto the back wal l of the installation . David ALESWORTH and Duriya KAZI Very, very sweet Medina Children explored the idea of what 'home' meant for them in drawing and text on prepared sheets of paper. The completed papers were then inserted into books for other visitors to browse through . PARTICIPATING APT3 ARTISTS COMMISSIONED TO CONDUCT KIDS' APT WORKSHOPS: Heri DONO Workshop in contemporary I ndonesian 'Wayang' puppet-making Patrice KAIKILEKOFE Workshop in hand-drawn slide making and projections. M ichel TUFFERY Workshop in wire 'an imal' constructions. 33