Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

EDUCATION + PUBLIC PROGRAMS OVERVI EW SCREEN CULTURE A program of short films, video works and animation, including curated packages from selectors {VT/SC Advisory Panel) and material from artists recommended by curators . Features and documentary material were programmed . ARTIST INTERVIEWS Video documentation of artist interviews . Short 4 - 5 minute interviews were incorporated into a mu ltimedia del ivery format in APT Lounge. 1 5 - 20 artists were interviewed (combined with contextual material where possible and available). APT LOUNGE Contained : aud io-visual material and computer terminals where visitors accessed the APT Website, the Virtual Trienn ial , artists home pages, videos of major artists' performances, selected artists' interviews and information . Computer l iterate volunteers (Digital Docents) I assisted visitors to navigate the equ ipment. Available hard copy material incl uded APT catalogues, printed material on artists, magazines and books, additional material was available in the Research Library. ARTISTS TALKS A program of artist's tal ks in the Gallery was presented during the opening weekend . Ed ited video recordings were available for viewing on monitors in the APT Lounge. ARTIST PERFORMANCES Co-ordinated artist's instal lations, rehearsals and performances fo r the APT opening. Managed the public performance by Tuffrey and Kaikilekofe from the city to the Gallery forecourt. Ed ited video record ings available for viewing in the APT Lounge. AUDIO-VISUAL COORDINATION Techn ical assistance to artists with AV requirements, performance requirements and the artists' party was supplied . SUNDAY PROGRAM Varied program of complementary music, dance, ch ildren's activities included in the Sunday at the Gallery program throughout exhibition . INFO PANELS 1 0 I nformation panels { I NFO PANELS) contained explanatory texts on each artist's work and were produced i n ·colour with working d rawings and reference material were appropriate. These were located in mu ltiple copies throughout exhibition and were used extensively. EDUCATION RESOURCES A package of educational materials, including full colour reproductions of selected artworks were d istributed to every school in Queensland . CH ILDREN'S ACTIVITY BOOK A 24-page ful l-colour activity book for the education and enjoyment of children were produced and d istributed throughout the exhibition. CH ILDREN'S LABELS Interpretative and easy-to-read labels for children , identified by the Lucky Dragon icon were located throught the exhbiition for specific artworks . KIDS' APT ACTIVITY AREA A dedicated Kids' APT activity space for children was located within the exh ibition and featured the work of 5 artists. KIDS' APT POSTER A promotional education poster featured the Lucky Dragon image. 35