Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

EDUCATION + PUBLIC PROGRAMS: FACT SHEET • The Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art broadly explores the theme, 'Beyond the Future'. • APT3 presents 1 44 art works by 77 artists from 20 countries and regions throughout Asia and the Pacific. • APT3 reveals contemporary art of the region to be dynamic and evolving: a product of d iverse trad itions , histories and cultural encounters , continuing cross-cultural influences, and recent econom ic, technological and information changes. • More than an exhibition , APT3 includes an international conference, artists' tal ks , performances, research and � n l ine programs. • Teachers' Preview - 4 September 1 0.00am - 1 2 . 00noon A brunch for teachers that includes an introduction to the e x h ibition , d iscussion of class activities, resource material . Education Officers wil l be available to d iscuss class activities and tou rs . Cost $20 .00. Pre-paid bookings are essential . Telephone (07) 3840 7255 . • I ntroductory tal ks are available to introduce students to the works in APT3 . These talks are suitable for u pper-secondary students and can be taken as an independent unit or combined with a tour of the exh ibition . Bookings are essential at least 1 5 days i n advance of required date. Available from Monday 4 - Friday 29 October 1999 . • Education Kits have been specially developed for primary and secondary school students . These kits wi l l be available to all Queensland schools free o f charge. Generously supported by Education Queensland . • The APT Lounge offers read ing and visual material to enhance interpretation of the Triennia l . • The Virtual Trienn ial provides access to information for schools i n all areas . Teachers and students can use the Virtual Triennial to conduct their own research p rior to their visit. In add ition , the Virtual Trienn ial will present innovative websites by artists from the Asia­ Pacific region. http:// www • A colour catalogue, postcards and merchandise from the region will be available from the Gallery Store. 37