Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

EDUCATION + PUBL IC PROGRAM : PRI NCI PLES • The APT Education and Public Program aims to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the art works on display and to increase awareness of Asian and Pacific cultures and societies through the contextual isation of the contemporary visual art of the region . • The APT Education and Public Program prioritises the participating artists and the range of cultural, social and spiritual experiences or values presented within their work. The Program does not attempt to speak in place of the artists; rather, the aim of the Program is to allow interpretation to emerge through the provision of supporting i nformation , explanation an d illustration . • The APT Education and Public Program provides a comprehensive and d iverse range of programs to suit educational, recreational and profess ional audiences . The Program contains a particular focus on youth and aim to continue the success of the Queensland Art Gal lery's children's programs through the inclusion of a significant component for children . · • The Program aims to ach ieve a presence with in every school in Queensland and a significant number of schools across Australia and the Asia I Pacific region . The Program will fully utilise technology to both stimulate artistic and intellectual d iscussion, debate and documentation on the contemporary art of the region and to increase the APT's accessibility to regional and remote audiences in Australian and overseas . • A key feature of the APT is the high degree of participation of scholars , artists and curators from the Asia I Pacific region . To reveal and enhance the dynam ic and inclusive nature of the APT project, the Education and Public Program incorporates the views, wherever possible, of those involved with the APT from throughout the region . The Program aims to provide a forum for cultural d ialogue and exchange. • The APT Education and Public Program celebrates cultural d ifference. The Program is formulated with cultural sensitivity and is based on mutual respect. Queensland Art Gallery Guides and staff are provided with cultural awareness training prior to the APT. 38