Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

SUMMARY The Research Library contributed to the APT in the following ways: • Continued to develop a research collection on contemporary art of the Asia-Pacific Region , in the period between the Second and Third Triennials, through g ift, purchase and exchange to support research and development for the APT and the permanent Col lection . The visits of Australian APT3 Curators to the Asia-Pacific region plays a critical role in the location and securing of rare research materials (catalogues, ephemera, sl ides etc . ) and in the establishment of long-term exchange programs of material with the Research Library. The collection currently stands at 3,085 catalogued items with some further 1 , 1 00 items organised by country to be catalogued . • Continued to comprehensively catalogue and index book, exhibition catalogues and journal articles relating to contemporary Asian and Pacific art for qu ick and effective access to artists and subj ects (eg . index all artists l isted in a book or group catalogue, add subject headings and keywords to reflect Gallery research interests). In April 2000, the Library's main database held 5,865 records (incl uding 2 ,477 journal articles) relating to contemporary art of the Asia-Pacific Region . • Continued to develop and maintain the Asia-Pacific Artists Database (AP-ARTS) on DB/Textworks as wel l as associated files on individual artists . The database currently holds 2 ,060 records. • I dentified and acquired printed resources for the APT3 Lounge which was installed i n the Gallery's 'Pel ican Pool' during APT3, with many generous donations of books, exh ibition catalogues, journals and children's books from publishers and organisations in Australia and the Region . • Responded to many requests for information including from post-graduate students in England and Japan , as well as local un iversity students . A binder of resources on the artists in the Triennial was developed to enable Library staff to qu ickly respond to student requests for assignment material . Students from Griffith University's Queensland College of Art, Sunshine Coast University, South bank TAFE , Queensland Un iversity and Queensland Un iversity of Technology were frequent users of th is material . • Co-organ ised the Arts Libraries Society of Australia and New Zealand (ARLI S/ANZ) 1 999 Annual Conference and AGM in Brisbane from 8-1 0 September 1 999 to coincide with the APT3 . 40 arts librarians from Queensland, interstate and New Zealand attended to d iscuss Asia-Pacific collections, new technology and the management of electron ic resources and to participate in the events surrounding the Trienn ial . • Collected and maintained files of publicity and reviews, as wel l as photographs of the artists, artworks and events to provide h istorical documentation of the event and as a source of future promotional material and publ ications. • Provided a reference and inter-library loan service to staff involved in the APT Project I ncluding producing resource and artists l ists for Australian APT3 curators undertaking research travel overseas . • Checked details on b iographical summaries fo r APT3 artists, and checked general information for the APT3 catalogue, 'Beyond the Future'. 42