Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

APT3 PROJECT TEAM APT3 PROJECT OFFICE The Project Office operated from 1 996 through Caroline Turner and Rhana Devenport then expanded from 1 997 to October 1 999 to include the fol lowing staff: Caroline Turner (Project D irector) Rhana Devenport (Project Manager) Christine Clark (Project Officer - Visitors Outreach Program) Bronwyn Mahoney (Curatorial Assistant, APT - Virtual Triennial) Ju l ie Walsh (Project Assistant - Artists, Artworks, Education) Robyn Ziebell (Project Support - Conference, Catalogue) APT PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION TEAM (PIT) The PIT Team was establ ished in October 1 997 and continued to September 1 999 to focus on specific aspects of the implementation of the APT3 over a two year planning period . Members of the Team varied to meet specific requirements as the Project developed . Members included : Rhana Devenport (Co-Chair) And rew Clark (Co-Chair) June Baker (Official Opening + Functions) M ichael Barnett ( Exhibitions) M ichael Beckmann (Public Programs + Education including Kids APT) David Burnett (Screen Culture) Christine C lark (General Admin istration + VOP) Peter Denham (VOP - Regional) Col Diachkoff (Finance) Andrew Dudley (Registration ) J udy Gunn ing (Research Library) Susan Herbert (Public Programs + Education) Don Heron (Exhibitions) Matthew Kassay (Virtual Trienn ial) Bronwyn Mahoney (Virtual Triennial + Screen Culture) Ju l ie Price (Promotions) Ju l ie Walsh (General Admi n istration + Artists) Adeline Yuksel (Promotions) Robyn Ziebell (General Administration + Conference) FURTHER QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY STAFF DIRECTLY INVOLVED WITH APT3 Kerrie Campbell (Exh ibitions Assistant) Roderick Dornan (Exhibitions Assistant) Brett Geoghegan (Designer) Jacqueline Macnaughtan (Conservation ) Elliott Mu rray (Design Manager) Jennifer Webb (Editor) STUDENT VOLUNTEERS AND INTERNS Visual art students from Griffith University, Queensland College of Art in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, Queensland Un iversity of Technology, Un iversity of Queensland Arch itecture Department and the Sunsh ine Coast University were involved the months prior to the APT3 Opening, working with the participating artists by assisting them with the collection of material and preparation of their APT works as wel l as famil iarising these visitors with Brisbane. I n add ition to this, numerous local students and international i nterns assisted the APT project team. The APT Project team took on the following students for 6-week internships: • Sachiko Namba (2nd year, 'Comm issioning and Curating Contemporary Art, Masters Course, RCA, London) • Yeyey Cruz (a recent graduate of the RCA course) beg i nning i n late July • M ichelle Antoinette (recent graduate from Honours at RM IT) 47