Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

CURATORIAL PROCESS ·ovERVI EW The Trienn ial's commitment to a process of extens ive consultation and collaboration nationally and internationally is reflected in the curatorial structure developed for APT3 . By Ju ly 1 997, the Gallery had established the framework of five Curatorial Teams. By January 1 998, most of the 26 Austral ian Curators, Researchers and Advisers ( 1 3 QAG staff and 1 3 external curators) and 27 international Co-curators were appointed . Advisory Committees were also establ ished for the Conference and for Virtual Trienn ial/ Screen Culture. Consequently, over 1 50 i nternational and Australian curators , writers and scholars were involved in the selection of APT3 artists, writers and conference speakers . An extensive Curatorial Brief was d istributed early in 1 998 and the curatorial process was undertaken throughout 1 998 as follows : CURATORIAL TEAMS FIVE CURATORIAL TEAMS Five Curatorial Teams were establ ished . • East Asia • Southeast Asia • South Asia • Pacific • Crossing Borders Four Curatorial Teams were regional ly/geographically based Teams (South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific) and the fifth Team (Crossing Borders) focused on artists who cross geograph ical and conceptual borders, including those engaged in artist col laborations and interdisciplinary work. Curatorial Teams comprised twenty-three Australian and twenty-eight international curators, co-curators and advisers who worked together towards the selection of artists , writers and conference speakers. CHAIRS Chairs were appointed to each Curatorial Team, their responsibil ity was to facilitate d iscussions among Team Members and to co-ordinate the presentation of the curatorial proposal of that Curatorial Team to the QAG in August 1 998 . • East Asia • Southeast Asia • South Asia • Pacific • Crossing Borders Chair: Carol ine Turner Chair: J ulie Ewington Chair: M ichael Brand Chair: Margo Neale Chair: Doug Hall, Deputy Chair: Caroline Turner AUSTRALIAN ADVISORS + RESEARCHERS I n some instances, Australian Advisers have been appointed to Curatorial Teams . Australian Advisers participated in the decision making process towards the final proposal by the Curatorial Team to the QAG . Australian Advisers travelled to Brisbane for the Preliminary Meetings and to the official opening, but did not travel to the region . Researchers (QAG Staff) were assigned to various Curatorial Teams to assist in the curatorial process but did not travel to the region . 48