Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

B. Curatorial Travel to the reg ion for Australian Curators (March - J uly 1 998) • From March until July 1 998, Australian curators on Regional teams travel led to their nominated countries to work with their international co-curator towards the selection of artists . Research undertaken included visits to artist stud ios, galleries, and art schools and arts communities with a total of around 350 artists being interviewed by curators . (The QAG , through the APT Project Office, arranged travel , travel insurance, accommodation and daily allowances . Passports, visas, and health care were the responsibil ity of the Curators). • Simultaneously, individual research was undertaken by Crossing Borders curators who d id not undertake curatorial travel given the scattered locations of artists under consideration . Further, the Gallery and Regional Team curators undertook extensive inquiry with a final number of 1 1 3 artists considered through the Crossing Borders avenue. C. Curatorial Presentation Meetings for Reg ional Teams (August 1 998 • On 1 4 and 1 5 August 1 998, the Selection Meeting took place in Brisbane with all Australian and some international Co-curators from the four Regional Teams involved . Curators gave presentations of proposed artists, artworks and catalogue writers (with accompanying visual and support material) to curators and key QAG staff. Curators also recommended conference speakers, gave advice on which artists would ideally travel to Brisbane for the Opening and noted any special sensitivities a nd considerations . Crossing Borders curators and Regional Team curators submitted recommendations on artists d i rectly to the Gallery. D . Final Decisions of artists and artworks confirmed by QAG, artists invited (September 1 998 - March 1 999) • Final recommendations by Curatorial Teams were passed through the Curatorial Bridg ing Committee (consisting of Gallery staff, Australian Advisers and Curatorial Team Chairs), met on 1 6 August 1 998 to make final recommendations to the Director and the Deputy Director of the QAG for final approval . • Artists were then invited over a three-month period between September 1 998 and March 1 999 - all accepted . • The l ist of artists was announced in April 1 999. 50