Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

•CURATORIAL BRIEF ' SUPPL I ED TO CURATORS ARTISTS The Curatorial Brief provided preparatory information to all curators including the suggested number of artists, estimated space allocations for each artwork and curatorial gu idel ines for the selection of artists which were d iscussed at the February Curatorial Forums. The curatorial guidel ines included the following: • The APT is an artist-driven and artist-engaged project in which the Gallery's comm itment to bringing artists from the reg ion to Brisbane, as well as the project's focus on artists of the Asia-Pacific reg ion , remain undiminished . • Artists must be engaged in some way with contemporary visual art practice and discourse • Artists of all ages may be considered • Artworks in any media and across media may be considered • Artwork associated with 'ind igenous' art practice may be considered • Artwork associated with indigenous 'craft' practice may be considered • Artists located in u rban, Regional and rural locations may be considered • Wherever possible, artworks should have been produced in the three years prior to 1 999 • Every effort should be made to include women artists • Artists i ncluded in previous APTs may be considered for inclusion in exceptional circumstances , most probably through Crossing Borders avenue or as part of collaborations. • A provisional number of artists are recommended for each Curatorial Team . Curators are invited to suggest more artists than was finally selected to allow flexibility and possible adjustment during the Curatorial Presentation Meeting towards the final selection of artists . EXH IBITION I NSTALLATION ALLOCATION OF SPACES FOR ARTWORKS Curatorial Teams were invited to make recommendations concern ing allocations for artworks with in available QAG spaces, however the final decision for the allocation of specific spaces for artworks remained with the QAG . G iven the budgetary and spatial restrictions, there are only a small number of individual rooms available fo r artists' installations . The average space allocation for each artist is approximately 5 runn ing metres of wall space or 25 sq meters of floor space. QAG AS S ITE The exhibition was located with in the Queensland Art Gallery and environs, although possibilities existed to extend the site over the Queensland Cultural Centre and environs. NON-TRAVELLING EXH IBITION The exhibition was not intended to become a travelling exh ibition (although exhibitions from the Gallery's Contemporary Asian Collection are toured as Regional Services Travelling Exhibitions). 52