Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

EXH IBITION DISPLAY Decisions on the exh ibition d isplay for APT3 will address the integrity of the exhibition as a whole. Artworks selected by Curatorial Teams will not be d isplayed separately as a Team selection unless there is an overwhelming curatorial rationale for doing so (as was the case with the Pacific Waka collective in APT2). A checklist of logistical considerations concern ing artworks under consideration is as follows : • An estimated 20-22 instal lations are bel ieved able to be included in the exhibition . • Each artist will be allocated S running metres for wal l works, or 2Ssqm for installation or sculptural works . • Following the close of the exh ibition , installation materials sourced i n Brisbane are not able to be sent to the artist or to further destinations. • 1 SOcm is the maximum length in one d imension for works transported as air cargo. BUDGET AND SPACE CONSIDERATIONS Budget, s ize and space restrictions apply to choices of artworks . Artists' proposals must be agreed to in advance by the QAG prior to any confirmation/acceptance of these proposals. QAG COLLECTION The QAG welcomed information from Curators with regards to possible QAG Collection purchases . PREPARATORY ADVICE FROM EXH IBITIONS SECTION : I n t he process of installing the previous APTs the exh ibitions section identified several pre-planning issues in relation to the selection and placement of installations in the exh ibition. These can be addressed as fol lows: 1 . Site Appropriateness The appropriate number of installations or large scul ptures has been determined at 20. For the purposes of the APT installations are defined as ephemeral works produced from materials largely sourced locally and to be dismantled after the duration of the exh ibition , whereas sculptures are permanent works that will be returned after the exhibition . Of the selected installation sites S are very large scale (ie. 1 SOm2 to 300m2). All are outdoors . A further 9 are intermediate scale (ie. SOm2 to 1 OOm2), five of which are outdoors. All of these areas are site specific locations. Al l instal lations in outdoor locations must be du rable in all weather cond itions . A further 8 standard scale installation sites are located within the main viewing galleries. The basic allocation for these is up to Sm x Sm in area (2Sm2), or Sm length of wall . 2. Viability It is important that the selection of Third APT installation proposals be considered on the basis of their capacity to be real ised effectively and their du rability over the four­ month period of the exhibition . When formulating their proposals selected artists should carefully consider the labour requirements of their projects . Where artists are to be sponsored to attend to install their projects the onus wil l be on them to undertake the work. Only pre-negotiated assistance of an agreed level and type will be available. As a public venue the Queensland Art Gallery has a legal obl igation to protect the health and safety of artists, staff and visitors . The pertinence of exhibits based on the perish ing of organic materials has to be addressed with a view to the long duration of the exh ibition's public display. All mechanical or electrical installations must be viable for the duration of the exhibition, with a m inimal requ i rement for staff attendance and/or maintenance. Special ist equ ipment requirements must be suppl ied or separately sourced and sponsored . S3