Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

3. Logistical Preparation Curators are requested to obtain comprehensive descriptions of artists' projects as early as possible on the proposal form provided . I l lustrations and d iagrams are extremely useful, perhaps even more so than photographs. Convenient l ines of contact for direct commun ication with the artist about preparations and issues that may arise are essential . Selections should be made on the basis that all materials for installations should be purchased , where possible, in Australia. Any materials brought from countries of origin should, wherever possible, be non-returnable, the principle being that installations are ephemeral and are to be d isposed of after the exh ibition . This approach is designed to eliminate the customs d ifficulties associated with the import of many organic items. It will also allow more flexibility and budget scope to artists than if materials had to be pre-purchased and freighted out. Early advice as to the materials to be sourced in Australia will assist the Gallery in the log istical preparation for the exh ibition . A comprehensive item isation of any installations requirements should be returned as qu ickly as practicable on the installation project work sheets provided . 4. Wal l Al locations It is anticipated that 50 artists will be selected to present wall-based works . The maximum running length of the works themselves should not exceed 5 l inear metres for each artist. 5. Special Considerations The Gallery has an obl igation to maintain the status of its building, permanent exhibits, fixtures and fittings and its associated grounds. To this extent where judged necessary the exh ibitions section may have to negotiate aspects of some installation proposals so that the overall d istribution of resources remains equ itable and potential adverse effects to the Gallery, its structure, surrounds and environment are minimised . In relation to the maintenance of the Gallery structure, some problems may be experienced in the use of gloss or enamel paints on exh ibition walls or furn iture and the use of paint, oil, glues, solvents, tars, fire or water on some or all natural surfaces (ie. unpainted concrete, travertine, parquetry, carpet, or the river­ stones i n the water areas). VIRTUAL TRI ENN IAL AND SCREEN CULTURE To undertake the Virtual Triennial/Screen Cu lture Curatorial component of the project, the Gallery invited curators from all five Curatorial Teams to propose artists for the Virtual Trienn ial component of the exh ibition . Add itional ly, a Virtual Triennial/Screen Culture Advisory Panel was established i n early 1 999. KIDS' APT3 It was intended that Kids' APT would provide a meeting point between young people and contemporary art. For APT3 is was considered important to extend the aud ience/ artwork/ artist relationship and particularly to forge new possibilities for commun ication with young audiences . A number of artists were invited by the Gallery, after consultation with relevant curators, to submit proposals to the Gallery in March 1 999. A process of negotiation took place with the artists and five artist' projects were finally real ised and installed to comprise the exh ibition component of Kids' APT with another three undertaking Kids' APT workshops . 54