Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

OPEN I NG EVENTS The open ing events for APT3 were successfu l in terms of numbers and aud ience response. PRE-OPEN I NG EVENTS Events began early with the MAAP'99 (Mu ltimedia Art Asia Pacific Festival) Official Opening staged in the Queen Street Mall on 3 September, the launch of the APT3 Screen Cu lt.ure component at the Dendy C inema on 6 September and the Open ing of the Sonorous Bodies - Video installation I performance work by EL I S ION featuring: Jud ith Wright (visual artist) and Liza Lim (composer) at the Brisbane City Gallery on 8 September with daily performances continuing u ntil September 1 5. MEDIA PREVIEW On Thursday 9 September, the Media Preview was presented at 1 1 .00am in the Gallery and began with a performance by Timothy O'Dwyer on saxophone presenting an improvisation based on Katsush ige Nakahashi's work as well as performance by Mella Jaarsma. ARTISTS TALKS Artists talks were presented from 2pm - 5pm on 9 September and again on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 12 - 2pm daily. Artists tal ks were extremely wel l received with aud iences of around 50 - 1 00 per talk . OFFICIAL OPEN I NG The Official Open ing on 9 September was attended by over 3000 attendees who enjoyed the following performances including koto player, Satsuki Odamura , I nd igenous D idjereedoo player, Adrian McAvoy, ind igenous welcome dancers , Wakka Wakka Aboriginal Dancers and a smoking ceremony by indigenous performer, Rick Roser. Artists performances included Mella Jaarsma, J un-Jieh Wang, and a Kava ceremony by Patrice Kaikilekofe. ARTISTS PERFORMANCES Artist performances were p resented by J un-J ieh Wang and Amanda Heng on 9 September. On the evening of Friday 1 0 September, Conference Delegates joined the Street Performance by Michel Tuffery and Patrice Kaikilekofe who staged a spectacular 'running of the bulls' from QAG to West End and back to the QAG Plaza as six mechan ised , articulated bulls constructed from corned beef cans challenged and taunted each other in the company of a entourage of 60 Australian Aboriginal , Samoan and Futuna and Wallis Island dancers from Brisbane and New Caledon ia. Later that evening, Conference Delegates enjoyed the Conference Reception at QAG including an event by Dadang Christanto where he ignited his 'Fire in May' work in a ritual event lasting two hours (8pm-1 Opm) - the event offered a 'coming together' for the aud ience in memory of those who have suffered in I ndonesia. On Saturday, 1 1 September, Conference Delegates attended a major event by ELISION Contemporary Music Ensemble - a site-specific installation/performance event, Transmisi at the Tennyson Powerhouse which involved a collaboration between visual artist, Heri Dono, composer, Richard Barrett and ELISION which has received extremely positive reviews as d id the EL I S ION recital Inferno which was presented on Sunday 1 9 September at the Old Museum Building. ARTISTS PARTY On Sunday 1 2 September, the APT3 Artists' Party was a highly positive close to the series of events and including entertainment by bands and artists' performances by Jun-J ieh Wang, Mella Jaarsma's most enthusiastic cooking performance, a ritual dance performance by Lawrence Purtang and artists from New I reland Province and an extremely well received gu itar performance of M icheal Parekowhai's Ten Guitars. ARTISTS DAY RETREAT On Monday 1 3 September, the artists travelled to Stradbroke Island for a most enjoyable day which included an indigenous welcome by the Stradbroke Island elders and welcome dances which generated impromptu dances and songs by the Pacific Island dancers marking a very positive conclusion to the opening events . The majority of artists departed on the 1 4 September. 60