Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

Local commun ity groups have also been very actively involved in the p rogram . I nd ian artist, Sonabai and her son Daroga Ram , received wonderful , and given the language and cultural restrictions, essential support from the local Hindi commun ity. The local Samoan commun ity, in realising the major performance by Michel Tuffery and Patrice Kaikilekofe wh ich incorporated Futuna Island, Samoan and Australian Indigenous dancers , were also very actively involved . The local Samoan commun ity col laborated with the visiting artists and dancers as wel l as billeting all the Futuna Island dancers. They plan to continue to undertake collaborations in the future. The Visitor Outreach Program has been successful in extending the APT3 beyond the Queensland Art Gallery and Brisbane. The program offered audiences throughout Australia varied opportun ities to engage, interact and collaborate with the visiting APT3 artists, critics and scholars . Feedback received by the artists ,and critics involved in the Visitor Outreach Program has been ext r emely positive . From these experiences, future collaborations, including exh ibitions , writing projects and artist exchanges have been planned . Formal feedback has been requested by the participating artists , critics and host organ isations . COMPLEMENTARY EVENTS Local exhibitions and events organ ised as complementary and related events to APT3 attracted large aud iences. 1 4 Galleries were involved in hosting related events . In addition fou r conferences (two international - I NSEA and MAAP) , two festivals, and an artists' club were coord inated to coincide with the open ing week of the Trienn ial. Numerous national arts organisations held their annual meetings du ring September in Brisbane. 67