Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

DARWIN Northern Territory Museum Three day forum with APT conference speakers Dr Dwi Marianto and Prof. Somporn Rodboon and APT artists Pinaree Sanpitak and Dadang Christanto. Pinaree Sanpitak also undertook a three-week residency with Northern Editions (printmaking) at the Northern Territory Un iversity. Pinaree Sanpitak (Thai land) - Three week print-making residency, Northern Territory Un iversity The print workshop residency at NTU in Darwin was fantastic. Northern Editions is very well equipped and all the staffare nice and efficient. They were verypatient and were willing to experiment with me. Although I have not so much a background in printmaking they were very encouraging and showed me ways to explore in new territory resulting in some very interesting works which I am also verypleased with . . . The first week was the Artist Week a t the art school and there were special programs organized with the aboriginal artists around the area. So it was a good opportunity to meet with them and see how they work. I also gave a talk about my works which led to some interesting dialogues with the students at the art school. REGIONAL CENTRES Flying Arts Inc. Two APT artists participated in Flying Arts I nc. reg ional Queensland tou rs . The APT artists accompanied Australian Flying Arts Tutors to remote Queensland towns, assisting with the workshop preparation and presentation . Indian artist, Harsha, travelling by car on the Southern Tou r, visited Roma , Dalby, Toowoomba, Wee Waa and Goond iwindi and Vietnamese artist Nguyen M i nh Thanh, travelling by l ight plane, visited Rol leston, Baralaba, Dysart, Blackwater and Gladstone. Harsha, Nguyen Minh Thanh and Sri Lankan artist, Tissa de Alwis also contributed to Flying Arts Inc. 'Visual Art Experience Week' . This event brought senior students from regional Queensland to Brisbane where they participated in workshops, and these three APT artists presented artists talks on their works . Christine Campbell, Executive Officer, Flying Arts Inc. The 1999 APT provided a wonderful opportunity for regional artists and visiting tutors to work alongside visiting artists Thanh from Vietnam and Harsha from India and to share and compare lifestyles, language, idioms and local humour. Nguyen Mi nh Thanh (Vietnam) - Central Tour, Flying Arts (APT Guest Nguyen Minh Thanh from Hanoi in Vietnam toured with Flying Arts' tutors through central Queensland . The centres Thanh visited were Baralaba staying at Auda McLean's property and m ining towns Blackwater and Dysart. ) Thanh 's thoughts about the tour: I had seen images ofAustralia 's landscape through numerous films including 'The Thornbirds ', 'All the Rivers Run ' and 'Return to Eden '. In 'The Thornbirds ' there was a small plane which flew over countryside much like that I saw in central Queensland. Never did I think that I would be in a small plane flying about the Australian countryside like in the film. It was a fantastic experience. My first night in Australia was spent on Auda and John McLean 's property. I had only arrived from Vietnam that morning so I wasn 't completely sure where I was. I was overwhelmed by the isolation that Auda and John and people who live on such properties must feel. I was amazed by Auda 's house - it was like a gallery and a. library. It is so different to Vietnam. I was also amazed when people said they had only "24 hectares". Only "24 hectare"?! 69