Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

For the greatest part of his time in Townsville, Wen worked with the Bonemap crew on the conceptual development of part of their multi-artform project. He spent 2 days with them on Magnetic Island discussing ideas, performing in the landscape and filming. While he was initially hesitant about being involved with the Bonemap crew (I think Wen thought they were some kind of dance troupe), I think Wen was really stimulated by the interaction and is now talking about linking up with the others next year for theirpublic performances. Bonemap has obviously benefited from Wen 's involvement and is now, ambitiously, expanding the project to take in Asia and not just Queensland. Anne Lord, Umbrella Studios, Townsville Lee Wen - Ten day residency I would like to thank you for the opportunity to have Lee Wen here as A-1-R in September. It was a very beneficial arrangement to be working with Umbrella to host the artist and the talk WpS exceptional. I hope we can be involved again. I have been to the three APT conferences and exhibitions and look forward to unfolding events. LISMORE School of Contemporary Arts, Southern Cross University Wu Ma l i (Taiwan) 5 day residency I held a 2 and half days workshop after with 8 students. I asked them to share how my work spoke to them first, then developed an idea themselves to do in the workshop. To my surprise, all the works they did was exactly a response to my project (The Collective Dreams) in Hong Kong in 1 996, where I invited the public to fold the paper boats and wrote down their dreams. All their works had a similar shape like a boat. And they all had something to do with memory and ritual. I asked them try to understand what did it mean, what was the message, why did they all response to this image, and what had happened to them. We had a verypersonal communication and interaction, which let me realise how we can help each other through art works. Patsy Hely, Acting Program Leader, School of Contemporary Arts, Southern Cross University Wu Ma l i (Taiwan) and Nguyen Mi nh Thanh (Vietnam) - One week residencies ... thanks to you for organising the visits of Thanh and Mali. They both established a really good rapport with the students in a very short time and the projects they undertook worked very well. They were both also very generous with their time and with sharing their skills and expertise, so the student's experience of working with them was a rich one. We look forward to being involved in the APT again. WOOLONGONG Faculty of Creative Arts, University of Wooloongong Liz Jeneid, Coordinator Visual Arts Salima was a such a pleasure to have in the faculty - she gave generously of her time to Postgraduate and Undergraduate students and interacted with individual students in the studios. She provided an excellent framework for discussions around her own practice as an artist and curator We are hoping that she may be able to come back in 2000 or 2001 for a longerperiod of time. DORRIGO Dorrigo Youth Service - Project Outline Dorrigo Youth Service was given the opportunity to invite Moelyono to Dorrigo for a residential stay. The key objectives of this ground level project are to introduce the young people ofthis isolated rural community to the artistic expression of Indonesia through Moelyono's work and to have first hand insight into Indonesian cultural and social conditions. 7 1