Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

MEDIA COVERAGE + PROMOTIONS PROMOTIONS: OVERVI EW MEDIA COVERAGE APT3 attracted an unprecedented level of international , national and local media coverage. I nternational media coverage included reviews in major newspapers and journals and extensive radio coverage throughout the region . National coverage has also been excellent with art critics, writers and journal ists supporting APT3 through features and reviews in major dailies, art magazines, journals as well as rad io and television coverage. BACKGROUND A comprehensive marketing and commun ications campaign was designed and implemented for the Third Asia-Pacific Trienn ial of Contemporary Art's (APT3} based on the following strategies : • To commun icate to audiences nationally and internationally the important role of the contemporary visual arts of Asia and the Pacific and to encourage participation . Extensive market segmentation formed the basis of this strategy. • To highl ight Queensland Art Gallery's lead ing role in showcasing and documenting contemporary visual art from Asia and the Pacific. • To encourage d ialogue on the event within the national and international arts , academic and broader communities . • To build on and extend the profile of the APT as a lead ing forum for the contemporary visual arts of Asia and the Pacific in the international arena . • To promote APT3 as more than an art exh ibition . • To utilise a strategic promotions and advertising campaign to achieve maximum aud ience reach , attendance, media coverage and support. • To promote mu litcultural u nderstanding in the region . BROAD TACTICS Some of the broad tactics used in the marketing and communications campaign include the translation of media releases into eight languages including, Mandari n , I ndonesian , Vietnamese, Cantonese, Thai, Korean , French and Japanese. These translated releases were distributed to ethn ic news bureaus, cultural tourism media, government departments such as Austrade, Trade Secretariats, and other media related organ isations . This ensured that any vital announcements and info rmation were accurately reported and featured in both international and local ethnic media. Promotional kits with media releases, fact sheets and backgrounders on artists' profiles, posters, brochu res, avant cards were produced and d istributed to local, national and international media as well as to schools, libraries, educational and art institutions. TARGET AUDI ENCES The following target audiences were targeted to generate awareness of and participation in APT3 . The campaign was successful in attracting 1 54, OOO visitors to the exhibition. 76