Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

APT3 : FACT SHEET FOR MEDIA • The Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT) is an in itiative of the Queensland Art Gallery and is the first series of exhibitions in the world to present together the contemporary art of Asia, the Pacific and Australia. • The APT is now recogn ised as one of Australia's foremost cultural events . • The first APT was held in 1 993 and the second in 1 996 - together they attracted a combined audience of more than 200 OOO . • The third APT (APT3) will be P.resented from 9 September 1 999 until 26 January 2000. • More than an exh ibition , APT;3 includes a major three day international conference, a 280 page full-colour publ ication , artists' tal ks and performances, extensive visitor and education programs, continuing research and a wide range of Online programs. • The APT project aims to generate greater knowledge of current art practices in Asia and the Pacific and to facil itate the exchange of ideas and contacts, especially among artists in the region . • APT3 will include artworks from 20 countries and regions by more than 77 artists (with another 1 00 involved in collaborations). Artists are from China (including Hong Kong), I nd ia, I ndonesia, Japan , Malaysia, New Caledonia, New Zealand , Papua New Gu inea, The Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and Australia with artists from Niue, Pakistan , Sri Lanka and Wallis and Futuna Islands participating for the first time. • More than 55 artists will travel to Brisbane to participate in the open ing events which include artists performances, artists talks and a three day conference from 9- 1 2 September 1 999 . • Many artists will extend their stay in Australia to participate in the extensive Visitors Outreach Program coordinated by the QAG and involving more than 50 arts organ isations, gal leries and un iversities across the country. • Around 1 44 works were selected by 25 international and 39 Australian curators working together on five curatorial teams (East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Pacific and Crossing Borders). • The 'Crossing Borders' curatorial team is a new initiative with in APT and provides an avenue for the inclusion of globally mobile artists and artists who engage in artist collaborations. • A great d iversity of media is covered and includes installation , performance, ceramics, painting, scul pture, printmaking, drawing, photography, CD ROM , video and I nternet with many works offer engaging opportun ities for audience interaction. • The Queensland Art Gallery has been working over the past year with participating artists to source art materials with in Australia - theses are as varied as 500 silk worms , household momentos, abacus beads, broken computers, baby photographs, neon tubing, exotic fish, tree trunks , kangaroo skins, clay and straw, frog legs, cooking equipment and a burned car. • Enhancements within the project for APT3 include the adoption of a theme, 'Beyond the Future', Kids' APT, Screen Culture and the APT Lounge. • 'Beyond the Future' is an intentionally paradoxical theme developed by curators and addresses the fluid movement between ideas and artists understand ings and perceptions of the future, the past and the present. 78