Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

• Kids APT offers children between 3 and 1 2 years the opportunity to join the Lucky Dragon on an adventure of d iscovery through APT3 with easy-to-read labels with in the exhibition ; an fun activity book and a special Online kids' gallery. Add itionally, Kids' APT p rovides ch ildren with the opportun ity to enjoy contemporary art works selected and created for ages 3- 1 2 years . It promises to be stimulating, educational and fun for children and parents al ike. • The Virtual Trienn ial responds to the I nternet as an internationally vital medium of commun ication and art making. Components include a web site <apt3 .net>; an Online exh ibition in collaboration with MAAP'99 (Multimedia Art Asia Pacific); Kids' APT Online and an Online d iscussion forum . • Screen Culture is a program of video, short film and animation that continues to be screened throughout the entire exh ibition in the QAG Lecture Theatre and in the State Library Theatrette. • The APT Lounge offers a relaxed environment for visitors to access Online art and information; view video documentation of performances, artist interviews and artists tal ks at leisure; as wel l as browse through catalogues and journals on Asian and Pacific art. • The three-day international conference, Beyond the Future will be held from Friday 1 0 - Sunday 1 2 September at the Brisbane Conv�ntion and Exhibition Centre. More than 50 Austral ian and i nternational speakers will d iscuss issues surrounding contemporary art, culture, new media and popular culture in Asia and the Pacific. • Beyond the Future is the most recent add ition to the series of APT publ ications . 1 1 7 comm issioned essays by 85 writers d iscuss the work of participating artists and contemporary Asian and Pacific art. Details of artworks, selected artists' statements, informative artist biographies and a bibliography are also included . This 280 page full colour publication , d istributed by Thames and Hudson , makes a significant contribution to publishing in the area of contemporary art of Asia and the Pacific. • APT3 is generously supported by PR I NC I PAL SPONSOR: The Queensland Government; MAJOR SPONSORS: Singapore Airl ines (Official Carrier), Network Ten , The Australia Counci l ; SPONSORS: Austral ia-Indonesia I nstitute, Australia-India Counci l , Apple Computer Australia Pty Ltd , Mr James C . Sourris, Mu lticultural Affairs Queensland, The Courier-Mail, The Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games, FM 1 04 Triple M , Tourism Queensland , Screen Offset Printing, Creative New Zealand : Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa , The Japan Foundation , Australia-China Council , yahoo! Australia & NZ, Leighton Holdings Limited , Sony Australia Lim ited , Australian Film Commission; SUPPORTERS : The Queensland Art Gallery Exh ibitions Development Fund : Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd , The N i kko Securities Co Ltd , The Meij i Life Insurance Company, Nomura Australia Limited , Japan Travel Bureau (Aust) Pty Ltd , H itachi Australia Pty Ltd ; PARTNERS : Qantm Australia: Cooperative Multimedia Centre, Education Queensland , Australian Broadcasting Corporation , Online Australia, Mu ltimedia Art Asia Pacific: MAAP99 Festival; SPEC IAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The Sidney Myer Centenary Celebration 1 899 - 1 999 and The Myer Family. 79