Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

ABC DOCUMENTARY F I LM : 'BEYOND THE FUTURE' A documentary film, Beyond the Future, was produced by Jack King through t he Austral ian Broadcasting Commission (Television). The film highlights the spectacle of the open ing events and performances, and offers a fast­ paced journey through the exh ibition . Beh ind-the-scenes footage of the installation of the exhibition is incl uded , as wel l as interviews with participating artists, curators and Gallery staff. The film features specially comm issioned computer rendered imagery that is incorporated as a linking device throughout the film " and also highl ights the planning and developmental processes that inform the APT project. The film was screened nationally on the ABC Television Network on 9 April 2000. Videos of the film are available for sale through the Gallery Store. Producer/Director: Jack King (ABC). Running Time: 27 mins 88