Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1999 : Beyond the future : Report.

I NDONESIA JAPAN Mella JAARSMA Hi inlander (Hello native) 1 998-99 Installation comprising treated skins (fish , chicken, frog, kangaroo}, cooking equ ipment, photographs Dimensions variable Collection : The artist 2 Performances 9 September, 1 2 September 1 999 MOELYONO Animal sacrifice of Orde Batu (Stone order) 1965-99 1 999 Installation comprising car, timber frame, m ixed media Dimensions variable Col lection : The artist Tisna SANJAYA Thinking with the knee 1 998-99 I nstallation comprising bamboo scul ptures, billboard , woven bamboo plates , koran stand, rice, banner Dimensions variable, components : 2 bamboo scul ptures: 225 x 1 70 x 1 OOcm (each} Billboard : 350 x 1 30cm (approx.) Collection : The artist S. TEDDY D. Penjagaan kepala (The guard ian of the head) 1 998 I nstallation comprising paintings on glass, wooden structures Dimensions variable, components : 50 paintings: 32.5 x 20cm (each) 5 wooden structures : 32 .5 x 20cm (each ) Col lection : The artist Shigeaki IWAI Dialogue 1 996-99 Installation comprising video projections, table, chairs, sound Dimensions variable Collection : The artist Katsushige NAKAHASH I Zero 1 999 Installation comprising colour photographs, adhesive tape, cloth tape, sound 1 1 4 x 1 006 x 1 3 1 0cm (approx.) Col lection: The artist Masato NAKAMURA QSC & mV 1 999 M ixed media Large m's : 236 .3 x 275. 3 x 1 8 .5cm (each} Small m's : 4 1 x 47.5 x 5cm (each} Courtesy: SCAI the Bathhouse (Shiraishi Contemporary Art Inc.), Japan 97