APT 2002 Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Australia : Report

Technology - 1st preference Who AmWe - computer TV You not applicable Frequency Percent not applicable 51 60.0 TV You 13 15.3 Who Am We? - computer 21 24.7 Total 85 100.0 The Kids’ APT Who am we? photograph interactive was selected as the most favoured technology activity for the following reasons: pressing the button, finding one’s own face, doing it with friends and family, and taking home the result. As for TV You , children clearly found it exciting to see themselves on the small screen: “I liked being on TV”, “seeing different angles of yourself” and “seeing myself”. Clearly, the fact that they could see themselves was a key. A small number of children commented that they also liked seeing parents/carers on the screen. Part 2: Parental perceptions and comments from questionnaire data The parent questionnaire was designed to gather information about the duration of the visit to the Gallery, the value of the visit, the ways in which parents/carers used labels and activity books to augment children’s learning and perceptions of children’s preferred art works and activities. DURATION AND FREQUENCY OF VISITS Family visitors spent a great deal of time at the Gallery during the festival. 56.1% of respondents spent between 1-3 hours at the gallery, and 40.4% spent 3 – 5 hours. This is a stark contrast to the usual 20 minute visit reported in the literature on family visits to art museums. Interestingly, many parents indicated that they came to the festival on repeated occasions over the 15 day period, and that they spent many hours at the Gallery. Length of stay Frequency Percent no answer 1 1.8 less than 1 hour 1 1.8 1-3 hours 32 56.1 3-5+ hours 23 40.4 Total 57 100.0 VALUE OF THE VISIT Parents were given a limited number of choices to select from in relation to the value of the visit, and their stated choices were as follows: Fun day out for the family 33.3% Introduce to Queensland Art Gallery 24.6% Introduce children to Asian Pacific culture 21.1% Introduce children to contemporary art 10.5% Opportunity to meet artists 0.0% More than one response 8.8% Other 1.8% 108