APT 2002 Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Australia : Report

CONTENT SUMMARY AND NAVIGATION OUTLINE Home page First level navigation Second level navigation Main navigation bar: Introduction ; Artists & Works ; Events ; Kids’ APT ; Education Introduction Exhibition dates Director’s Introduction QAG address, contact numbers etc. Link to ACAPA section on QGOMA site Further Information How to get to APT Info on exhibition catalogue (link to Gallery Store site for online purchase) Links to media releases Location map Links to Brisbane City Council, Brisbane Tourism, Queensland Tourism Link to Brisbane Hilton Artists & Works Links to info on 17 individual artists projects Artists & Works summary page linking to: Short paragraphs Long biographies List of APT 2002 works Images Interpretive texts Printer-friendly pages Liveworm multimedia features for Lin; Kusama and Pasifika Divas Events Searchable and browseable database of categorised events Links from database records to Artists & Works pages Kids’ APT Information for parents ‘Artists speak to Kids’ (short texts/statements) Kids’ APT Art Gallery Kids’ comments Link to Events Calendar for Kids’-specific events only. Education Link to Artists & Works Information for Teachers Link to Education Kit PDF file Education Kit PDF Secondary navigation: Contact Us ; Sponsors ; Acknowledgments ; Copyright Contact Us Feedback APT 2002 Project Team contacts E-mail feedback form and information request form Sponsors Logos with links to sponsors’ websites Acknowledgments APT Curatorial Project Team Website Project Team Copyright Copyright Statement Link to QAG Publications section for further information and reproduction requests EVENTS CALENDAR An interactive, searchable database of public programs, events and activities associated with the APT 2002 was developed for the website, allowing users to search for a customised listing of programs tailored to their specific requirements. Searching was possible by a combination of event type and date, with the added option of printing a complete program for any single day. KIDS’ APT The Kids’ APT section of the site featured a range of information intended for parents bringing young children to the exhibition. The various activities included in the ‘Kids’ APT’ area of the exhibition were highlighted, as well as an online ‘Kids’ APT Gallery’, showing children’s responses through their own artwork to some of the works featured in the exhibition. During the final few weeks of the exhibition, the Kids’ APT area of the site was expanded to also include a full downloadable program for the ‘Summer Spectacular’ festival. EDUCATION RESOURCE KIT The APT 2002 Education Resource Kit was included within the website in full-colour Adobe Acrobat PDF format. The kit is still available on the site and can be downloaded either as one complete package or in smaller individual files on each artist represented in the kit. Following the exhibition the kit was revised and expanded in collaboration with the Access Asia (Asian Studies section) of the Curriculum Corporation, for use as reference material for Australian secondary school students. IMAGES Images used on the website were derived from a number of sources, including screen resolution versions of publication-quality scans used in production of the catalogue, as well as digital camera installation shots of the exhibition (including views of artists installing their works) and scans of slides and photographs taken by the Gallery’s photographers. Copyright clearance for use of images on the website was undertaken by staff of the Gallery’s Publications section. 113