APT 2002 Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Australia : Report

APT 2002 NEW MEDIA WORKSHOPS - DETAILS Heri Dono, APT 2002 New Media Workshop, Song Dong, APT 2002 New Media Workshop, Nalini Malani, APT 2002 New Media Workshop, Lisa Reihana participants participants working workshop screenings WORKSHOP FORMAT WEEK 1: Tuesday 17 – Friday 20 September Heri Dono + Lisa Reihana (with combined group lecture by Johan Pijnappel) WEEK 2: Monday 23 – Thursday 26 September Nalini Malani + Song Dong (with combined group lecture by Johan Pijnappel) In both Week 1 and Week 2 the first day served as an introductory day of artist- tutor and participants’ presentations and discussion. The workshops commenced within the APT 2002 exhibition at the QAG. This provided an opportunity for the artist-tutors to introduce their practice to participants. These introductions functioned to contextualise the workshops and, given that both groups each week combined to share each artist-tutor’s presentations, participants each week had the opportunity to engage closely with two exceptional artists. Following the introductions by the artist-tutors, the workshops resumed in the afternoon at the new QCA premises at Southbank with a lecture addressing the processes of curating new media art by Johan Pijnappel who is a Dutch born, India based art historian and writer and Deputy Director/ Curator for the World Wide Video Festival, Amsterdam. Included in the first day were screenings by participants of their screen based work own work followed by critical discussion of each work. Each workshop continued for the further three days at the QCA premises in various dedicated spaces including screening rooms, discussion rooms and editing suites. Various other locations in Brisbane where used by the groups as required. WORKS CREATED AS PART OF ‘APT 2002 NEW MEDIA WORKSHOPS’ • 17 video works were created by Workshop participants across all 4 workshops • Participants in Heri Dono’s workshop worked collaboratively to make an experimental video work. • Participants in Lisa Reihana’s workshop worked collaboratively in pairs or individually to create a series of video works under the title ‘The Gift’ • Participants in Song Dong’s workshop created new video works in response to the question ‘What is mirror?’ • Artist Song Dong created a new work entitled Walking through the mirror , 2002 with the assistance of his Workshop participants DETAILS OF ARTIST WORKSHOPS Heri Dono (WEEK 1) Performance continues as an active dimension of Heri Dono’s art and video is often employed as a complementary element within his multi- disciplinary work that embraces performance, installation, music, dance, wayang and digital animation. Heri Dono presented a documentary video on his practice based in Jogyakarta. Heri spoke further about his philosophy, his background, his current practice and importantly, his training in Wayang. Heri screened a selection of previous and current video works that adopt a diversity of technical and conceptual techniques. He discussed with students his approach and interests concerning this medium as a key component within his practice. The objective of the workshop was to collectively create and produce a new video work involving projected animations and digital imagery, a 1942 American Jeep and shadow puppets made by the participants. A storyboard was drafted and shadow puppets characters were made. Footage of landscapes was captured for the various projected backgrounds. A ‘studio location’ was created at the Brisbane Powerhouse where the hired jeep, technical equipment and workshop participants were relocated. On the fourth and final day of the workshop, participants met at dusk and collectively produced the video. Equipment included professional digital video cameras, laptop computers and on-site editing suites, as well as low tech materials such as cassette players, VHS camcorders and other kinetic devices. Additionally, a short documentary video was created by one of the participants (Rob Kelly) to capture the processes involved in the realisation of the new collective video work. 144