APT9 kids in review

40 APT9 KIDS ARTWORKS AND PROJECTS Above and opposite: Young visitors making new book covers for Joyce Ho’s UN-Covered Library 2018 Drawing your own book cover was a great way to see the kids interpret a story. And then getting to put the cover on display was great! Visitor comment [I] love how the kids can design their own [book] cover and let their creativity and imagination run wild. Visitor comment JOYCE HO UN-COVERED LIBRARY 2018 Joyce Ho creates artworks that explore the layers of meaning behind everyday experiences, finding new ways of seeing familiar things. For APT9 Kids, Ho invited young visitors to enter a specially designed ‘library’ space. The books inside were covered in paper, hiding their titles and cover illustrations from view. Children could choose a book and find a place to read in one of the small stage sets in the space, which represented different places that people might read, such as a bed or on public transport. When finished reading, children could reflect on their impressions of the story by giving the book a new title and cover design before placing it back on display for others to enjoy.