APT9 kids in review

6 FROM THE APT9 KIDS PROJECT TEAM 7 FROM THE APT9 KIDS PROJECT TEAM Kids’ APT has been a key component of the Gallery’s programming for children and families since 1999. Each Kids’ APT program offers a rich and multilayered experience that encourages visitors of all ages to explore art and ideas from Asia, the Pacific and Australia. The APT9 Kids projects were developed through extensive research, close collaboration with participating artists and the active involvement of children. Trials with children contributed significantly to the development of the activities and the design of materials and exhibition spaces. For example, the exhibition design of Vincent Namatjira’s Power Portraits included images of children from the Greek Community Child Care Centre, which was one of many fantastic outcomes of the trial process. We would like to sincerely thank and acknowledge the staff and students of West End State School and the Greek Community Child Care Centre, as well as the Gallery’s Young Members for their involvement in APT9 Kids. One of the most exciting aspects of the Children’s Art Centre’s programming is the opportunity to share the ideas of contemporary artists beyond the walls of the Gallery through the Kids on Tour and Children’s Art Centre publication programs. A special feature of the APT9 Kids on Tour program was a virtual experience of the APT9 exhibition. From the APT9 Kids project team, we extend our deepest thanks to Tim Fairfax AC, Gina Fairfax and the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation, whose support was crucial to realising APT9 Kids, APT9 Kids on Tour and the accompanying children’s publication, Ali’s Boat . On behalf of the APT9 Kids project team: Simon Wright , Assistant Director, Learning and Public Engagement Tamsin Cull , Head of Public Engagement Michael O’Sullivan , Design Manager Laura Mudge , Senior Program Officer, Children’s Art Centre Jacqueline Tunny , Project Officer, Children’s Art Centre Sarah Robertson , Project Officer, Children’s Art Centre Henri van Noordenburg , Project Officer, Regional Services Rebecca Mutch , Editor Rebekah Coffey , Senior Exhibition Designer Grace Liu , Exhibition Designer Melissa Gore , Exhibition Designer Rebecca Shaw , Assistant Exhibition Designer Georgia Elliott , Assistant Exhibition Designer Sarah Newport , Graphic Designer Kirsty McKay , Graphic Designer Kathrin Kohl , Graphic Designer Aidan Robertson , Senior Multimedia and Web Designer Doug Larkin , Digital Interactive Developer Thomas Renn , Motion Graphics & Web Animator Clinton Wong , UI/UX Designer Michaela Chin , Public Programs Officer FROM THE PROJECT TEAM Left: Children participating in an activity trial for Jakkai Siributr’s The Legend of the Rainbow Stag 2018 Overleaf: Installation view of Sadik Kwaish Alfraji’s A Boat to Carry your Dreams 2018