Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

' \ \ \. H. Chilclrcn'• H c:>ds. S . Dcll:1 Belin. OIL P A I NT I NO S. 1. Hamlet, Grave Scene. J,'. Oitdogan Cowper, ,1..n.,~., A.n.w.s. • E!-:hi bitcU in the l:toy:l.) Ae:l.<lCmy, 1H02. ] ,·rank C t\dog:\n Cow1.>er, ;}.KA., A. 1Lw.s. 1 commenced liis art trainint at St-. John's \Vood Ar t School. lSW. Roynl Academy School,, 1S!l7-lf)02. Worked six months as !\S3istnnt. in the ~tudio of }:. A. Al>boy, u.. i . I n 1003 painted in ltaly. Rxhibitcd fi rst a& tho lloyol Academy, 1S99, and each succcecl• ing year. ·1 le is:.. metuber of tho Label Club, ;1, club which in a i:nnall wn,y has followed on t he sam~ Jines as the P re.Raphaclile 111.ovomcnt. t'ho members of t he club $ign thoii· unmes on :\ 1abe1 painted on t he picu1re. Cowpet was elected ,111 Assoch,te of tbe Roy:il Academy, 1007.. No. 2.-Snnda,y Afternoon P arade. ll