Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

10 OU, l' ACN'l'J1'CS. 2. ::iuuday Afternoon Parade. lLunilton i\Iacallum, 11.r. \ ,. Born lSH, die<l 1S9H. The artist w:is i><>ru nt Knnies itl Argyleshire. Jfo WO$ educated in Gla-.gow and latet· was placed io a merchant's oflice, where he remained till 1S6 1. He then went to London, enterc<I the R-Oyal Academy Schools. Md exhibited in London nbout l GG. Ho wos • member of the Hoyal Institute of Pninters in Water-eolours and of the Society of Painter• in O,ls. )fac:illum·s bright pictu res ore of fisherfolk, s,m13hino 1 and sea.. Re ill rcprcscotcd io the ~:..tion:l.l Gn.llery or 'British Art in London by "'fheCrofh, r'.s Te:un. · 1 - •·Snnd~y Aflcrncon Parade" show.s t.ho sanc"!s or a l>utch fitliing <m :'.\ breezy Sunday, when all the Rsberfolk arc gathered togethe,-. " ' r3yed in t heir best clothe•, for an .:lftet·nC'lon stroll. The salt.-ln<l ened atmo~phe.-c ~nd the movomc.nt in the picture :wo both well rcµresenl.ed . Thi~ pictor-e was exhibited in the l\cw Callery, Londo», in 1$97. No. $.- The Holy ~fother. Frederick Goodall, n.A.