Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

OlL Pu.lNTINGS. 11 3 . '.rho Holy Mothel'. ll'i:ederick Goodall, n.A. Born 1822, died 190-1. The Holy Mother was painted when Goodall wns at his best., and he received £1,500 for the picture. ] i'rcdcrick Goocfall, son of the late ],:dwnrd Goodall, the eminent eng riwer, was born in \$2'2. Before he 1·e11ched the age vf fi rt,ieu be had won t ho "Isis" and the large Sih·cr MeJal of the Society of Aris. He exhibited his 6r~t 1>icture in the Royal Academy M the age of l'e<enteen . In 1$ 3 he was elected nn Associate of lhe Royal Academy, and in 1SG3 he was elected Royal Academician. 4 . Crest of the Hi11. \V. ·li'rauk C,1 lderon . Exhibited in the Royal Academy in 189S. W. li'ronk Caldoron, son of Philip Henno~ent-$ Calderon, H.•.\. Th is picture w3s sc!c:ctcd by the Royal Acodemicians as one of the best works of t he ye,w. The picture is full of Jifo ~ud movemeot. 'l'he fin;:tl :;purt or tho horses to drag t he he::l.\'y t.imber wagon to the crest. of the hill being o~<:eedinRIY well depicted. No. ·!. - Crest of the Rill. W, Jfronk Calderon. 5. Por t ra it Study. 1N . G. \ Vil son. P resented by ,the Art ist-. W. G. Wilson is • Quecoslancer by birth, l'ilton Sta tion, on t he Darling Down,;, being his birU,place. He studied a t the Royal Acndemy School•, and was awarded the Silver Medal for t he best_ copy of a picture by'\" old master.