Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

12 OIL P.-\l~T11'G$. (), A. Cup of Te:1. J Iarolcl Knight. Exhibited in the Royal .-\cademy, Ul05. So. G.- A Cup of 'l'c,,. Harold Knight 7. Gmpcs. Emily ~Ieston. Presented by'.\[,;, l<.ichar·d Edwnrds. S. Under the Jacara.nda . R . Godfrey Rivers. R. Godfrey Rivers studied under l'rofessor Alphonse Legros at the Sbde School, London. Exhibitor at the Roya l Academy and Gros· ,·eno,· Gallery. Re was awarded t he Prize for Land$cape Painting at. Slade School in 188¼. He settled in Brisbane in 1891. Was elected President of the Queensland Art Society, wh ich post he b:,s fiUed almost continuously up to the pres('nt time.