Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

OIL PAll\TIKGS. 13 9. Dnramboi. Oscar F rist.rom. ' Presented by the A rtist. Duramboi w:1.s an )~ngl ishrnan by birth who lived for nlany yetws among the aboriginals. o~car Fristrom, portrait pninter, was born in Carlskront\, Sweden, nnd studied nt the Art School in th•t town, ., branch of the Roy•I At·t School in Stockholm. He went to sea, but fitrnlly settled in Aclelnicle, S. A. nnd is represented hy n pich1re in t.hc l:'\lltionnl Glillery of tb•t town . Later on l•'ristrom came to Brisb•nc. In 190G he wns elected President of the New Society of Artists. No. S.- vml<·r the .Jncnmnd:t. H. Godfroy Rh·crs. 10. i:Vinte1· Evelli ng on the 'l'iber. VIT. G. ,;vilsou. Presented by the Artist.