Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

J,J, 11. OH, l>Al?\TINGS. Dep:irlure of the Coldstrenm Gun.rds from Gravesend by t.l1e ss . "l\fnrauoa," 17th February, 1.8 5. Charles \ V. \Vyllie. Exhibited in the Jtoyal Academy. Presented by the Bl'itish-Indi:i Ste:un N' a"igation Company, Lim i t-ed, 12. El izabeth 1' 1 oodv ill c, \Vidow of Edward TV., 1>11rling with Her Younger Son, the Duke of Yo\'k . Philip Hermogenes Cn,lderou, n.A. Exhibited in the Roy.ii Academy, 1803. Philip H. Calderon, R. A., son of the Re,·. Juan Caldcl'on, was born in Poitiers 1833, and died IS'JS. He studied at Leigb's AMdcmy in London, and in the atelicl's of M. P icot, Mcmbel' o( the Institute in Pnri~. Calderon WM elected Associate of the Royal Academy in JSGG, and elected Royal Academician in 1S6i. He ,·eccivcd at the Paris International I~xhibition tho fir,t m~dal awarded to English Al't, and also recei"cd ono of the medals :iw,,.ded to English ~rtists at the V ienna Exhibition, 1Si3. In 1S7~ Calderon was 1u'nongst: the F.-nglish. at·ti~t:s who were selected to exh ibit. an extra. number or works at the Pari~ International J;;xhibition. At the dose of th~ l•~xhibition he received t\ fii-st,cl:tss medal, and wa~ created Cheval ier de la Legion d'Honneur. In 1887 Calde,·on wns appointed l<eepcr of the Royal Academy in the place of H. W. 1>iekersgill, n..,. He has don<> much ro.. tbe impro"emcnt of the Royal .\cadcmy Schools. The 1>ictu..o represents a scene in the .Jerusalem Chambel'. "When Elizabeth learned that the Prince of Wales had follen into the power of his tmcle, the Duke of Glouce~t1:r, slle immeditttely took :sanctuary flt \Vcstmin~te1' with her youngest son and her daughte1-s. Gloucester1 howe"er, vn his arri"~l iu London, sent a deputa,t.ion of tbe Lords, headed by the Archbishop ofCanterbury (Thomas Boucher), to persuade het to give up the child, plea.din~, an1ongst othet· reasons: that his p 1'C$N\Ce was n<;cess:'lry at his brot.her~s c-0ronation. After Jong resistance she f{a\'e way 1 and sending for him into the J'erusa1em Chamber, said (accordiog to the account given by S ir 'l' homas More) : '};,·nrewe1l mine own $weet son; the Almighty be thy protector. Let me kiss theo once more before we part, for God knows when we shaU ki~ nt;aio.>!J