Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

16 OIL PATN'l'IN•S. J3. Her Majesty's Bodyguard of th<>. Yeomen of the Guard, in St. ,James' Pal nee. J. Prinsep Beadle. J,xhibited in the Royal Academy, 1$!)6 ; also in Li"erpool and Birmingham. J . P. Beadle was a student nt th, Slade School, Londo,1, under Pro£essor Alphonso Leg,·os, where he won a S lade Scho1nrsbip and several J)r izes for drawing. He then went to ~ aris and studied at tho Beaux Arts under Cabana !. He is a constant exhibito,· at the Royal Acade my and other important J,xhibitions. The picture was pAinted for the most part in the old guard– room <,( St. James Palace. All the indi viduals portrayed are aCtlOal [)Ortraits of members of the Royal Bodyguard o( the Yeomen of the Gunrd. The " etemn in the foreg round (Spence) was specially d u h-hed at Alma when io the 7th Hoyal ],'u1-,iJier.;. S p<•nce w;tg offered, b ut refused~ a cmnmiS$ion. Tl1e t,wo men ,:vith black sth.:k$ :'l.l'e ser~oant.s.1Hnjor. 'rhe one ~itting down (lb.,nilton) lost his arm at a stooka<le in the 1\Jao ri \Var, N ew 1/.ealantJ. T he m:m t;t:,nding up (Rule) i~ stnior -sergeant major 1 nnd :\ 111:\jOr of volunteer$, and a Critncan veteran. Rule \\'!t.S specially :-..elected for OJH) er the fow }'renc.h decoration$ gin•n to our men at the end o[ tho wnr. 1'he old rnno at the bnck with:\ short wh ite l>card , directly facing and looking downwtu-ds, i$ J(d hs, Y. C. H e wcm hi~ Yictoria Cross with the fJth L:l riC(!r.S by stwing his Colonel\< life in the Indian i\'Iutiny. The Colonel jumped over:\ n:11.i"e cart. :-rn<l ~vt into a tight place among the muti. n ee,·s. The fellow :11)pent·• to h:we jum1>ed t he cart after him and st.,yed by his wounded Colonel", side. Kells killed wit h h is l:11,ce alone some half.dozen of the e1.1emy over rind nround his Colonel':$ body. 'l'he nu\n wit h his back to the window is i)h1rr::i.y, nn old j\1arin('. The dr~H:iS is \'Cry li ttle changed from the ti1110 of H enl'y \"If., when the corps wa.s st..:u-te,d. T ho cor ps con:3:iats o f 100 me n, who h:w e all been sergeants of the nrmy, with a t leru;t t wo m~dttl;$. '.fhey nre distinct from the Beefeatcrs nt the Tower, and t heh- wot k is exclusive1y to attend Court functionsi. They get ,('50 n year e:: besides their pet1 sio11 nod ha ve theil' own officers . . I I. l:vening. B. W . Chl'istmns. T he ~cene is near Go u Ibu rn. !:i. Vi<' w Ill the O:lll1pagna, Home. G. Mass. J?reseoted 1.,y His Excellency Lord Lamington, K.C.M.G.