Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

20 OIL PAIXTI1' GS. 10. Home \Vind. C. Nttpier Remy, A.R.A., n.s.w. Born lSH. Son of the late Henri l-'rederick Hemy, a well-known inusicfrrn and co1.nposer. The early part ()f hi:,i, life w.:is spent at se:1, and he c.ame out to Austrnlia. On his return he in tended to becon,e n "religious," b\lt cfo1covered that painting was his true vooa.tlon. He settled in London, and exhibited at the Royal Academy at the ago of twenty-four. Two year.s h \ he went to $tudy at Antwerp under Baron Henri Leys. He wM selected to do some painting for the Antweq> Cathedral, and his drawintrs made at the Academy were cetnincd as examples for the suident.. At the death of L ey,, H emy 1·efused to i11 Antwerp, anrl g-:ive up the work at the Cathedrrd, and returne<l to London, and in 1881 re1noved to )\'3ln,outh, where he has remained. He kee1>• the Vnn der Meer, a seagoing houseboat. His ~tudi() is ()I) board, :rnd oH•St of his important pictures have been painted directly from nature. Hen1y, in his fbatin1( :stndio, follows up any fishing ct:1ft he wishes to paint, so as to get it in motion. t\t 61'st the Van <lei' Mee,. crested alarm a$ well as excitement among the ti shing · crAft as t hey found themsel ves being followed at every turn. Remy graduolly abandoned his master'i style, and nowdevotes himsol[ almost cnth·cly to mnrine pictures. No. 19.- Bomc Wind. C. :Napiet· Hemy, .-\ ,lt.A. 20. TheHonourable Charles Stuart Mein, Justice of the Supreme Court of Q,uee11slaud, 1885 to 1890. lt. 1'1:uratois.