Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

OIL PAINTI NGS. 21. "\Voolshed, N.S.W. 21 R. Godfrey Ri,,ers. l'resentcd by the Artist. 22. Season of :M:ists ancl :i\fellow )iruitfulness. H. G. Hewitt. l~xhibited in the ftoyol Academy and Intemational Exhibition, ~rnsmania. 1'he scene represents an apple orchnrd in the cider cooutry. Apples have been gathered up in a heap at the foot of the foreground tree, ready to be carted away to the cider press. The sunlight filtering through :\ hedge on tho right and the long :;h::i.dows thrown across the wet rnr.s make a. pleasing contrast to the guarled trnnk• of the apple– trtes covered with liehen. No. 22.- Scnson oi l\Iists :\nd l\ 1 [cllow J.fruitfulness. H. G. 8 cwiU,. 23. 'l'he .f ewellecl i\Iargin of the Sen. :Julian H. Ashton. ]) 1;;:arty )loruing on the Coast at Bondi, nc-ar $ydney. .fuli:m .tt. Ashton rceeh•ed his first art education in the " 'e.~t London School of Art, a branch of South Ken,ini,:ton. He then went to Paris, where he worked in the Academic ,Tulif'n. Jfo,- some t.imc, on returning to London, he made;). li vinA" out of black nnd whito. dr:\.\\)iog, pninting in such inten·als as he was ablo to 1,querze from t he ta8k 0£ m~king :1. lh•ing. He was an exhibitor at most of the English Exhibi– tion~, includ ing the Royal .. \cademy. Since he c:une t.o A\1stra1i:1 he bns done much to keep 11() the higher ideals of art in those around him.