Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

22 OIL PAJN'.l'INGS. 24 . Cape Chudleigh, Coast of Labrador. Isaac Waltel' J enner. Presented by the .Artist. Jlorn 1S:3G, died 1901. l sMc \V,.lter ,Jenner was born ,-t Godalming, Surrey. Jie commenced hi5t c~rcer :.\:-t :m artist at. the age or seven by ~ketching in w:i.ter colours. ,Jenner joined the l toyal N:wy [l t the nge of nineteen, ha.\'ing a fancy for the sen, and his art taste l <!an ing tow:'.\rds mnrioe $Ubjects, he continued his 8~udios during his iservice. D uring the Crimean \ V:w he w :i.~ pre$ent at. t he siege of Sob:tstopol on bo:trd H .l\I.$. u Royal .\lbert . n One of his pninling.s of no te i$ an incident of the wnr, 11.) f. $. "Retribution'' in a gale, off Scbn•topol, when H.RH . the Duke of Cnlllbridge was loshed LO t he most. J,ca\"ing the s.en ·ice in 1 G5, ho took u1> his residence in Brighton, Snssex, ]i:ngbndt where he cont inued painting as a 1n·Ofe.$Sion. Re was nn exhibitor ~t the Roy•! Acad~iny, and also the Hoyal Scottish ..\ c:.dcmy, and n picture of his wns purchnserl for the Edi nburgh Knt.ion:'\I Gallery . T,eswing Rnghrnd in lSS:J fol· Qucensl:rnd, he con. tinued hil> professit>n at Urisbaoc, where he took :-\ prominent. part ln nrt mntter,. After the formal opeoing of t be Queen$la11d :\'ation:il Art G:-.1lery: he was t he fh·st t<> prc~cnt :~ picture. l l e was al~o one of the founder, of the Qnee11sla11d Art Society. The hospitals and other 1>nblic iustitutions benefited by his chari~able qunlitios. No. 2-J.- Capc Chudleigh, Const oi T,abrador. I. W. J enncr. 25. Mouu t W :u·ning. • .J. H . Gr~i nger. Presented by Alderman Robert l•' rnser (i\Iayor), Brisbane, 189'1 and l Sf/5. ,J. H. Grainger is" self,taught artist. '.l'he lo,•e of art was fostered by oonstant visits to the Birmingham Art Gallery, the Birmingham Society of Atts, and most English galleries.