Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

OU, l>AIK'l'INC$ . 23 26. R,·icted. Blandford Fletcher. ''.rho· was born in Ji0ndon in 1S5S. .Ho began his art tra.ining at South )(ensington, but soon went to Antwerp. Ffe was a. student under Ch:ll'les Vcl'\nt, tho c~lebratcd Belgian, at the Royal Academy or Art-$, founded by ltnbeos in t hat town . HJ:;,ficted" was exhibited in the Royal Academy. X o. 2G.- Jt vi<.;tt."<l. Blimdfo,·d .l:'letchcr. 27. Ghos t C: u lly. Hem·y Rielly. Pre!\entcd by the Arth~t. A ;\[clbourno artist of some littl~ renown. Ho s1>ent the later part o f hh, lire nt. ~tant,horpc, Queensland, where ho ,lcvotecl all his i::pare time t (> painting. 28. Syduey, from South Jle,id. Bequeathed by the late Lady O'Connell. 29. )1m-m Cove. Bequeathed by the ltit.e J,ndy O'Connell. 30. Depar ture of the 1st Queens land Contingent for South Africa on the ss. " Co rnwall ." Artist imlmowu. Artist uuknowu. Frederick Elliott.